Agenda - 09-15-20; 5-c - Proposed Amendments to the Town of Hillsborough - OC Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan and to the OC Comp Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
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Agenda - 09-15-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-15-20; 5-c - Proposed Amendments to the Town of Hillsborough - OC Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan and to the OC Comp Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
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9/10/2020 3:28:50 PM
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9/10/2020 3:23:44 PM
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a few people and then the next thing I knew, I drove by and there were like 20 signs out. And then the meeting 335 <br />happened a week later. So, speaking to David and Hunter and Melissa, welcome, the OCPB charge is that 336 <br />‘harmonious development, future needs, homes, homestead, wildlife habitat’ we have deer, we have endangered 337 <br />bluebirds, we have many wildlife that are living in this neighborhood community. Whether or not we live 1.75 miles, 338 <br />2.3 miles, we live on Davis, we live on Ode Turner, we live in this neighborhood. This is where we live now. We 339 <br />didn’t live here 20 years ago this is where we live this is where our families are this is our harmonious development 340 <br />we are your constituents we would appreciate you listening to what we have to say. I’m talking to you Hunter, I’m 341 <br />talking to you Melissa, I’m talking to you David. Apparently, you weren’t here when we had this meeting two years 342 <br />ago and they wanted to rezone yet again these same areas and that fell through and what Mr. Altieri described 343 <br />earlier, the whole kit and caboodle was this is an example of the Town giving an inch and a developer taking a mile 344 <br />because there’s a little bit of an extra parcel and that’s what they want to do. And we implore you to please put a 345 <br />stop to it. Let us have our green area. Let us live our lives where we live it best. I do not need nor do we want to 346 <br />have this traffic, this green space taken away, Thank you. 347 <br /> 348 <br />Jon Lorusso: Good evening, I don’t have a lot to say. I wanted to voice my opposition to this. I also live off Davis 349 <br />Road across from the New Hope Springs Subdivision. I am against this I concur with previous speakers about the 350 <br />signs. I almost got into an accident myself trying to read information off a sign. It does feel like this is being done 351 <br />without the, no one voices their opposition. I came in from a meeting late tonight and I missed the meeting in July. I 352 <br />wasn’t at the meeting a few years ago that the previous speaker mentioned. I don’t know how long in the process we 353 <br />are but once it’s done you cannot undo it. You cut down a tree the tree is gone it’s not coming back you can’t just put 354 <br />a new one there. If this is done, it’s permanent. It will change forever the place that we live. The phrase Not in My 355 <br />Back Yard comes to mind. I don’t know how many of the County Commissioners live in this area if this was being 356 <br />done on the other side of the County, I probably wouldn’t care but it is being done in my backyard like the previous 357 <br />speakers have said, I didn’t move here so that I could live next to a giant manufacturing district. This is just not why I 358 <br />moved here not why I live here. I would also like to reiterate what speakers said about the potential use. What’s 359 <br />going to go on here? No idea. I think she mentioned a rubber tire factory, who knows? It’s really none of our 360 <br />business right? It’s private property, they can do whatever they want. I am very upset by this and I really wish you 361 <br />wouldn’t do this to us. That’s all I have to say. 362 <br /> 363 <br />Stephen Williams: I just wanted to voice my concerns and many people have already spoken on the topics I was 364 <br />concerned about. I am wondering why the residents in this area haven’t be given any results as to if traffic studies 365 <br />have been done on the impacts that this facility might have on traffic as well as green space. I spent one day this 366 <br />week putting up my new mailbox because I am in the process of building on a property 3 acres that will border this 367 <br />potential development and life others have said, as I was putting up my mailbox, bikers went by, people walking, 368 <br />cars, it’s just unimaginable what the impacts will be on Davis Road to allow an entrance or exit to a facility of this 369 <br />size. I am also confused as to why the 12 acres is so important. We keep saying that it’s, we’ll talk about something 370 <br />separate but really they go hand and hands. I really thought it would have been best in the interest of everyone if this 371 <br />had been addressed and then questions had been asked. There’s a major and no one has mentioned this, there are 372 <br />major power lines that separate that 12 acres from the rest of this development. I don’t know if that has been brought 373 <br />to anyone’s attention, I’m sure the planning committee is aware of that it just seems illogical that those 12 acres are 374 <br />essential to them putting this development in. I concur the signs are super small, many people at the July meeting 375 <br />voiced their concerns there weren’t many of us but there were a few there. I do feel like it’s absurd that we’re talking 376 <br />about changing the zoning of a residential area with residents and people’s homes and lives that in and of itself 377 <br />should say. What are we doing here? Why are we doing this? Are we doing this for money? I chose to buy land in 378 <br />Orange County and pay the higher taxes because I wanted some space, I wanted 3 acres, I wanted some woods. I 379 <br />didn’t know at the time that all this was going to be occurring or I would have changed my mind. I could have bought 380 <br />in a different county and paid a lot lower taxes so I hope the planners here will hear our voices and as it’s been said, 381 <br />we do the voting and I guess we’ll need to remember that when we vote again. Again, time is of the essence but I’m 382 <br />hearing a lot of questions from people on the planning committee so we might want to direct the time to constituents 383 <br />and residents if we want to save time and save those planning committee questions for when you guys meet at a 384 <br />later time. Thank you. 385 <br /> 386 <br />Leslie Roberts: Thank you for letting me speak, this is Leslie Roberts and I live on Old 86 about a half a mile from 387 <br />the Davis/86 intersection. I am opposed to this and I have some concerns that have not been mentioned yet. One of 388 <br />them being that traffic on Old 86 is picking up quite a bit since I’ve moved here I’ve noticed and I think would be 389 <br />erroneous to assume that the traffic will stay between this warehouse and 40 since 40 is right there. I think that traffic 390 <br />13
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