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Development on these properties is required to comply with a master set of conditions (i.e. <br />access management standards, building setback/size limits, open space requirements, site plan <br />submittal and review requirements, etc.). These conditions are designed to complement one <br />another, allowing for development of the 10 parcels consistent with the approved MPD-CZ. <br />Since approval, no development activity has occurred. <br /> <br />ISSUE: The County has been approached by a developer proposing a new MPD-CZ district <br />involving the two parcels within ‘District 1’ as well as a 12 acre parcel with frontage on Davis <br />Road. Staff has determined the eight parcels in ‘District 2’ will have great difficulty complying <br />with the MPD-CZ development standards with the elimination of the two parcels in District 1. In <br />order to ensure the eight parcels have development potential, staff has determined rezoning is <br />necessary and is proposing the following: <br />1. Rezone parcels (PINs: 9873-11-4636, 9873-11-7506, 9873-11-5415, 9873-11-9450, <br />9873-11-7247, and 9873-10-7937), labeled as number(s) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the map <br />above: <br />FROM: Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning (MPD-CZ) Settlers Point and <br />Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) Overlay District. <br />TO: Economic Development Hillsborough Limited Office (EDH-2) and Major <br />Transportation Corridor (MTC) Overlay District. <br />2. Rezone parcel (PIN 9873-10-4310), labeled as number 10 on the map above: <br />FROM: Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning (MPD-CZ) Settlers Point, <br />Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) Overlay District, Rural Residential (R-1). <br /> TO: Economic Development Hillsborough Limited Office (EDH-2), Major <br />Transportation Corridor (MTC) Overlay District, Rural Residential (R-1). <br />3. Rezone parcel (PIN 9873-20-2388), labeled as number 9 on the map above: <br />FROM: Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning (MPD-CZ) Settlers Point and <br />Major Transportation Corridor (MTC) Overlay District. <br />TO: Economic Development Hillsborough Office/Retail (EDH-4) and Major <br />Transportation Corridor (MTC) Overlay District. <br /> <br />Staff’s proposal will return these eight properties back to their original zoning designation in <br />place prior to the approval of the MPD-CZ. If approved, development of these properties will be <br />regulated consistent with the provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) rather <br />than the various conditions associated with the approval of the MPD-CZ for Settlers Point. <br /> <br />Development Process, Schedule, and Action: The typical cadence for the review of a General <br />Use Rezoning and Zoning Atlas amendment is: <br />• FIRST ACTION – Submission of a General Rezoning application with required <br />supporting documents by the property owner. <br />STAFF COMMENT: This is a staff initiated request. As a result, application <br />components were created internally by staff consistent with established <br />requirements. <br />• SECOND ACTION – The Planning Board receives the application and staff <br />prepares materials and makes a recommendation on the rezoning request. <br />3