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o 30 ft. Type A land use buffer along Davis Road. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Staff recommended a 100 ft. perimeter, undisturbed, land <br />use buffer with no development activity permitted. The portion of this property <br />zoned RB would remain as undisturbed open space. <br />• Floodplain buffers shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 6.13 of the UDO (i.e. <br />buffer would be measured from the edge of the 1% area of annual inundation (i.e. the historic <br />100-year flood zone) and range from 65 to 80 ft. based on slope; <br />STAFF COMMENT: There has been discussion about reducing the required <br />floodplain buffer to 50 ft. as a means of securing the 100 ft. undisturbed <br />perimeter buffer suggested by staff. <br />• MTC Buffer: The applicant is proposing to abide by the standards contained in Section 6.6.4 <br />of the UDO including development of ‘visual breaks’ within the buffer (Section 6.6.4 (A) (5) of <br />the UDO would allow for eliminating 50% of the MTC buffer to create visual breaks). <br />STAFF COMMENT: The applicant’s proposed disturbance would be <br />consistent with existing allowances within the UDO. <br />Staff has recommended the imposition of various condition(s) to address land use <br />buffers/external setback issues as contained in Attachment 11. <br /> <br />Solid Waste: The applicant has indicated development within the project shall abide by the <br />Orange County Solid Waste Management Ordinance. <br /> <br />Environmental Assessment (EA): The applicant completed the EA for this project as required <br />under Section 6.16 of the UDO. The EA indicates: <br />• Project will not impact any environmentally sensitive areas; <br />• Preservation of existing hardwoods would occur outside of proposed development areas; <br />• No grading activities would occur within the floodplain other than utility/road crossings as <br />permitted within the UDO; <br />• No historically significant or archeologically significant areas have been denoted on the <br />properties. <br />Staff has recommended the imposition of various condition(s) to address environmental issues <br />as contained in Attachment 11. <br /> <br />Other pertinent information concerning the proposed MPD-CZ are as follows: <br />• Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation: PIN(s) 9863-71-8857 and 9863-91-6573 are <br />located within an Economic Development Transition Activity Node. <br />PIN 9862-99-8894 (Davis Road) is located within the Rural Residential land use <br />category. A separate process is underway to change the FLUM designation of this <br />property to Economic Development Transition Activity Node. <br />The FLUM can be accessed utilizing the following link: <br /> <br />• Comprehensive Plan: Per Appendix F, “Relationships Between Land Use Categories <br />and Zoning Districts Matrix” of the adopted Orange County Comprehensive Plan, the <br />9