Orange County NC Website
As an example: an applicant may propose to develop land uses falling into the <br />Manufacturing, Assembly, Processing of Food Items land use category. The BOCC has <br />the ability to take the position that these are acceptable land uses for a project, but <br />impose a condition prohibiting certain sub-category food manufacturing land uses such <br />as slaughter operations and/or seafood processing facilities, due to anticipated impacts. <br /> <br />Utilities: The project is proposed to be served by public water and sewer systems owned by the <br />Town of Hillsborough. Orange County is continuing to work with the Town to install a new <br />sewer line under Interstate 40. This work is consistent with a recently approved inter-local utility <br />agreement between Orange County and the Town of Hillsborough. Consistent with this <br />agreement, the project will be allotted approximately 108,000 gallons of water/wastewater <br />disposal daily. <br /> <br />Erosion Control/Stormwater Regulations: The applicant has indicated the project will abide by <br />existing stormwater, Section 6.14, and erosion control, Section 6.15, regulations of the UDO. <br /> <br />Land Use Buffers/External Setbacks: The applicant is proposing: <br />• PIN 9863-71-8857: <br />o 25 ft. buffer along Service Road; <br />STAFF COMMENT: Staff has recommended a 30 ft. Type A buffer along <br />Service Road. <br />o 100 ft. building setback with a 50 ft. perimeter undisturbed buffer along the <br />western/southern property line. Parking/loading area/drive-aisles would observe a 50 <br />ft. setback from the property line; <br />STAFF COMMENT: Section 6.8.12 of the UDO would typically require a 100 ft. <br />perimeter, undisturbed, land use buffer along the western property line. <br />• PIN 9863-91-6573: <br />o 25 ft. buffer along Service Road; <br />STAFF COMMENT: Staff has recommended a 30 ft. Type A buffer along <br />Service Road. <br />o 50 ft. perimeter buffer along the eastern property line. Parking/loading area/drive-isles <br />would be located within this area. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Per Section 6.8.12 (C) of the UDO, land use buffers are <br />based on proposed development as well as existing land use(s) on the <br />adjacent parcel. Along the eastern property line the required land use buffer, <br />presuming development on the subject parcel is manufacturing/warehouse <br />space, would range from 20 to 40 ft. in width. <br />Further, Section 6.8.7 (D) (1) (a) of the UDO requires parking areas to observe <br />a: landscape area at least ten feet in width, exclusive of drainage and/or utility <br />easements, shall be provided between the vehicular use areas and the right of <br />way or adjacent property line. <br />• PIN 9862-99-8894: <br />o 100 ft. perimeter structure buffer. Parking/loading area/drive-aisles would be allowed <br />as shown on the concept plat; <br />8