Orange County NC Website
2. Seeing movement in requests for consultation around livable design (i.e. Pee <br /> Wee Homes in Chapel Hill and the new 4-plex Habitat home in Carrboro. <br /> 3. Emila Sutton, the new director of Housing & Community Development and Erica <br /> Brant, also in OC Housing and Community Development are joining the MAP <br /> group. <br /> 4. We forecast that the need for housing and transportation will intersect in the <br /> near future. <br /> iv. Affordable Housing Coalition — Dick <br /> 1. The current focus is on connecting individuals who fall within or below the <br /> Federal Poverty Level with landlords who accept housing vouchers. The Coalition <br /> will create a listing of those willing to take vouchers and share with those in <br /> need. Older adults are the most cost burdened individuals affected by the lack of <br /> affordable housing <br /> b. Transportation —Alison Smith MAP Transportation Workgroup <br /> i. See attached report, <br /> Committee Progress Reports if needed: <br /> 12. Dementia Friendly Business Campaign <br /> a. Some businesses are requesting "next level" DFB training. The board recommended directing <br /> people to the Dementia Education Collaborative— Dementia Basics 4-week course for more in- <br /> depth training. Explore online training. <br /> 13. Senior Tar Heel Legislature— Dick White <br /> a. Next meeting Mar 17 & 18th when major issues will be put forward for work in the coming <br /> yea rs. <br /> 14. Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee—Tiketha Collins <br /> a. Jack Ramsey completed training on March 17. Ongoing quarterly meetings and site visits. The <br /> committee is down 4 members. Carillon Assisted Living of Hillsborough was bought out and is <br /> now Elmcroft of Hillsborough. <br /> 15. Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee—Vibeke Talley <br /> a. 3 of 5 NH in OC had rough 2-3 months with complaints that ended up as State level citations <br /> (Peak Resources, Signature in CH, & Carolina Point). <br /> b. Action to take regarding LTC crisis— brainstorm session, include consumers for their perspective <br /> on what can we do to advocate for and improve LTC quality and availability in Orange County. <br /> Compare actual cost vs. corporate profit. What is a reasonable amount of profit? Bring people <br /> together to discuss. Janice to add this item to the next agenda. <br /> 16. Housing— Keith Cook/Dick White <br /> a. See report 12.a. above <br /> 17. Friends of the Passmore Center— No report <br /> 18. Friends of the Seymour Center— No report <br /> Announcement <br /> Cherie announced that Janice Tyler was selected as the UNC Partnership in Aging Program (PiAP) 2020 <br /> Visionary. She invited everyone to the PiAP party on March 20, 5:30 pm, UNC Graham Memorial Hall. Janice <br /> was selected for all the work she has done to move the needle in Orange County. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Next meeting: Tuesday, March 10, 1-3 p.m. Seymour Center <br />