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Staff would therefiore recommend that the Board award a bid and approve a contract not to <br />exceed $123,000 to complete the project and authorize the staff to effect negotiations to bring <br />the contract within the available funding. <br />Assuming the Board's award of bid and approval of contract, contingent upon the appropriate <br />reviews, the project would likely be started by late summer 2001, with a completion date by <br />January 2002. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Pursuant to the August 2000 action, the Board was willing to dedicate <br />funds from the Skills Development Center Project (approximately $45,000) and supplement, to <br />the extent necessary, from the County Capital Fund, up to an amount ofi $18,000. Further, the <br />Town of Chapel Hill has dedicated Streetscape funds for reimbursement up to $60,000, thereby <br />creating a resource pool of $123,000. <br />RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board take the following action: <br />1. Authorize the staff to negotiate with the low bidder to bring the scope of work within the <br />available funding; and <br />2. Award a bid and approve a contract, contingent upon staff and Attorney review, in an <br />amount not to exceed $123,000 for the construction of the pocket park and right-of--way work <br />at the County's property at 501-503 West Franklin Street; and <br />3. Authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />