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• Sec. 17-53.1. - Permits for operation of firing ranges in effect prior to effective date of the ordinance. <br />The board of commissioners may permit the owner of a firing range within a subdivision, which was in <br />existence prior to July 13, 1994, to discharge a firearm on such firing range subject to the following conditions: <br />(1) The firing range must have been in existence and in use prior to October 21, 1993. <br />(2) All owners of property within 600 feet of the firing range must be given notice of at least 14 days and <br />an opportunity to be heard at a public meeting of the board on the application for the permit. <br />(3) The permit is nontransferable and may be revoked if the conditions under which it is granted are <br />violated. <br />(4) There shall be no discharge of a firearm on a permitted range at any time on Saturdays, Sundays or <br />legal holidays and on any other day, except within the hours from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. <br />(5) The applicant shall show evidence of and maintain sufficient liability insurance, either through a <br />homeowner's policy or some other insurance, in sufficient amount to cover claims which may arise <br />from the use of the firing range. <br />(6) The authority granted under the permit shall be to the permit holder only and to members of his <br />immediate household. <br />(Ord. of 6-27-94, § 3A) <br />Editor's note— An ordinance adopted 6-27-94 did not specifically amend the Code. Therefore, inclusion of § 3A <br />as § 17-53.1 was at the discretion of the editor. <br />• Sec. 17-53.2. - Application for permit to use firing range. <br />(a) Applications may be in letter form, and must be filed in the office of the clerk to the board of county <br />commissioners on or before September 1, 1994. There will be no applications accepted after that date. <br />(b) Each application must set forth a general description of the firing range, must be verified on oath by the <br />applicant and must be accompanied by at least two affidavits of other individuals attesting that the firing <br />range was in use prior to October 21, 1993. <br />(c) Each application must be accompanied by evidence of insurance as specified in subsection 17-53.1(5), <br />above. <br />(d) The board of commissioners will act on the application after giving all owners of property within 600 <br />feet notice and opportunity for comment, and a certified copy of the minutes of such meeting reflecting the <br />approval of the application by the board shall serve as the permit. <br />(Ord. of 6-27-94, § 3B) <br />Editor's note— An ordinance adopted 6-27-94 did not specifically amend the Code. Therefore, inclusion of § <br />3B as § 17.53.2 was at the discretion of the editor. <br />• Sec. 17-54. - Discharge of airguns within predominantly residential areas of the county by minors <br />restricted. <br />It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 16 years to discharge an airgun within 600 feet of a <br />residence located within a predominantly residential area of the county, unless at the time of such discharge the <br />minor is accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult who acknowledges responsibility for the supervision <br />of the minor in the act of shooting. <br />(Ord. of 9-13-93, § 4) <br />15