Agenda - 09-10-20; Item 1 - Additional Discussion on Potential Regulation of the Discharge of Firearms in Areas of the County with High Residential Unit Density
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Agenda - 09-10-20 Virtual Work Session
Agenda - 09-10-20; Item 1 - Additional Discussion on Potential Regulation of the Discharge of Firearms in Areas of the County with High Residential Unit Density
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9/4/2020 1:06:49 PM
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9/4/2020 1:26:16 PM
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ATTACHMENT C <br /> <br />DURHAM COUNTY GUN DISCHARGE ORDINANCE <br />• Sec. 17-51. - Intent. <br />The board of commissioners has determined that the health and safety of those citizens of the county who <br />live in predominantly residential areas of the county require that the discharge of firearms and airguns in or <br />near those predominantly residential areas be prohibited, and that there be restrictions on the discharge of <br />firearms in the remaining areas of the county. It is, therefore, the intent of the commissioners by this division <br />to protect the health and safety of its citizens and their property, and to promote the quiet enjoyment of their <br />property. <br />(Ord. of 9-13-93, § 1) <br />• Sec. 17-52. - Definitions. <br />The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to <br />them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: <br />Airgun means any weapon that discharges a projectile or cluster of shot by the use of mechanical spring, <br />compressed air or compressed gas, and shall include BB and pellet rifles, pistols and revolvers. <br />Firearm means any weapon that discharges a projectile or cluster of shot by the use of exploding <br />gunpowder and shall include rifles, shotguns, pistols and revolvers. <br />Predominantly residential district means a residential area of not less than five homes created and <br />constructed in accordance with approval of the county commissioners pursuant to the subdivision ordinance of <br />the county (appendix B of this Code), a plat of which appears of record in the office of the register of deeds of <br />the county. It shall include the subdivisions named in the ordinance from which this division is derived, which <br />is on file in the county offices. <br />(Ord. of 9-13-93, § 2) <br />Cross reference— Definitions generally, § 1-2. <br />• Sec. 17-53. - Discharge of firearms within predominantly residential areas of the county prohibited; <br />exceptions. <br />It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm within 600 feet of a residence located within a <br />predominantly residential area of the county, except when the firearm is discharged: <br />(1) In the lawful defense of person or property. <br />(2) By, or at the lawful direction of, a law enforcement officer, or authorized military personnel. <br />(3) Within a firing range for which a permit has been issued in accordance with section 17-53.1, below. <br />(Ord. of 9-13-93, § 3; Ord. of 6-27-94) <br />14
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