Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said she asked the schools if more hot spots are needed, <br /> 2 and the schools said no. She said teachers need to be involved in the conversation <br /> 3 about what is really needed. <br /> 4 Commissioner Bedford said Verizon has a program to help students without <br /> 5 access. <br /> 6 Commissioner Bedford said there needs to be a work group, before spending <br /> 7 money on the southern library. She said discussions about interoperability are very <br /> 8 important. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 A motion was made by Chair Rich, seconded by Commissioner Marcoplos to <br /> 11 approve Amendment 014. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 VOTE: Ayes, 2 (Chair Rich and Commissioner Marcoplos); Nays, 5 <br /> 14 (Commissioner McKee Commissioner Price Commissioner Greene Commissioner <br /> 15 Bedford Commissioner Dorosin) <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Commissioner McKee said the idea of an education fund is important, and he <br /> 18 would support using the funds generated by the quarter cent climate mitigation tax for <br /> 19 this purpose. <br /> 20 Chair Rich thanked Commissioner McKee, but said she will not make such a <br /> 21 motion. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin said he hopes staff is keeping track of all the issues on <br /> 23 which the BOCC needs to follow up in the fall. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Amendments 017/018/019/020 <br /> 26 <br /> 27 A motion was made by Commissioner Bedford, seconded by Commissioner <br /> 28 Price to approve Amendments 017/018/019/020. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there is a reason that tracking software costs <br /> 31 $35,000, and if this would be a pre-existing program, or one being made from scratch. <br /> 32 Travis Myren said software can be very expensive, and this cost is relatively low, <br /> 33 comparatively. He said the base software already exists, but it would need <br /> 34 modifications. <br /> 35 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if this funding will come from a particular area. <br /> 36 Travis Myren said it would be counted against the debt service savings. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Amendment 021 <br /> 41 Travis Myren said Commissioner Marcoplos proposed an amendment to fund a <br /> 42 phase 2 feasibility study of operations and maintenance of a skilled construction trades <br /> 43 center. <br /> 44 Commissioner Marcoplos explained the center, and said it has been discussed <br /> 45 for well over a year, with many stakeholders. He said the County awarded $25,000 <br /> 46 previously for an initial study, which was very informative. He said the next steps are to <br /> 47 identify which grants are the most promising to fund some of the option identified in the <br /> 48 initial study. He said time is of the essence, due to the availability of Covid-19 funding, <br /> 49 and this could very advantageous to the progress of this project. He said these funds <br /> 50 would pay for a study of the grant landscape, and getting some work done on a grant or <br /> 51 two. He said the amount would not exceed $25,000, and this is a great opportunity with <br /> 52 well-recognized needs. <br /> 53 Commissioner Price asked if anyone else is putting funding into this, and who is <br /> 54 involved. <br />