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24 <br /> and medicated assisted treatment are other programs where Orange County led the way. He <br /> listed many other ways that Orange County is creatively approaching law enforcement with <br /> great humanity, patience, and holistic planning to help people succeed and be diverted away <br /> from the criminal justice system in the first place. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said he serves on the Racial Justice Task force in Orange and <br /> Chatham Counties, where a lot of good work is being done. He said he serves as a <br /> Commissioner on the North Carolina Governor's Crime Commission, and is on a special <br /> workgroup that is addressing pretrial supervision, bail and bond reform. He said this group has <br /> made recommendations to the Governor that will greatly impact the criminal justice system, and <br /> provide timely review of first appearances. He said there will also be mandatory training for <br /> judges and magistrates. He said there are strong initiatives around the state, as well as locally. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said he is going to put the brakes on the purchase of the mobile <br /> command center, and instead will be using those funds for hiring a licensed clinical social <br /> worker to be housed with his community resource division's crisis intervention team, as well as <br /> hosting specialized training for all NC law enforcement, and any other departments who would <br /> like to attend. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood thanked Chair Rich for helping him through these past two weeks <br /> since the death of George Floyd, and helping him work through some questions he had moving <br /> forward. He said he and Chair Rich have formed a partnership out of these challenges, despite <br /> being from radically different backgrounds. He said petty differences must be put aside, in <br /> order to work together for governmental change and action. He said he is so proud and <br /> fortunate to work with the Board and staff that exists in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he appreciated the Sheriff's comments, and the litany of <br /> programs he listed. He said he knows that the community may not know about all of these <br /> programs, but together they can serve the community. He said he is old enough to remember <br /> how some of these problems were addressed in the past, and he is thankful that things are <br /> continuing to change. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin thanked Sheriff Blackwood for providing this report and he is <br /> encouraged by the Sheriff's engagement beyond the County. He said he is also greatly <br /> encourage by the decision with the command center, and re-deploying the funds to other <br /> programs. He said the question of SROs is also something to consider for these funds. He <br /> said part of this engagement involves hearing from the community in a public forum, and the <br /> next agenda item will look more closely at this need. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said the SRO issue is going to be something that the schools are <br /> discussing. He said the schools originally requested the SROs, and there is an opportunity to <br /> change the face of law enforcement in the schools. He said there has to be a way to close the <br /> gap of the response between the incident and the arrival of law enforcement. He said this will <br /> be an ongoing discussion. <br /> Sheriff Blackwood said he has already started having community discussions, and he <br /> serves all people of the County. He said he is going on the road to talk to anyone. He said he <br /> would like to have known about the forum before it was proposed publically, so he did not <br /> appreciate how the community forum idea transpired. He said he can get over that, and they <br /> can move forward together. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the intent was to for all of them to put something together <br /> collectively. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she appreciated the Sheriff's comments tonight, and she <br /> especially pleased to hear of the redirection of the forfeiture funds. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he may not have used the word forum in his conversation <br /> with Sheriff Blackwood, but he talked about the need for a community process, and did lead the <br /> conversation by saying that the Sheriff had a lot of experience to share. He said more people <br />