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5 <br /> Paul Laughton, Finance and Administrative Services, said population determines <br /> the amount. <br /> Chair Rich said she uses the SOG all the time, and it is a valuable resource. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said one can take classes even if not a contributor, and <br /> this is a contribution to the University system, and maybe this year it would be wise to <br /> cut the amount by $10,000. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if all are sure that one can take courses/training if <br /> one is not a contributor. She said she thinks it is a great institution. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he is in favor of supporting the SOG, but <br /> suggested reducing the contribution by $10,000 this year, due to Covid-19. <br /> Commissioner Price said it is a valuable program, and the SOG is highly rated <br /> throughout the country, and she would be hesitant to cut this funding without knowing <br /> what this money is used for before. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the SOG is a valuable resource, but it is supported <br /> by the State, is a part of the University system, and it charges fees for its courses. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she was sent information from a staff person, which <br /> she read, and it defined the County funds as "membership dues". She said staff can find <br /> out more and let the Board know. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said, as a new commissioner, she found the orientation <br /> very beneficial, and she took another course and felt the same. She said she will not <br /> support this amendment. <br /> Commissioner Price said the classes that are made available to the BOCC are <br /> conducted specifically for elected officials. She said these funds help defray the costs of <br /> their resources, and she will vote against the amendment. <br /> Commissioner McKee said it is important to focus on the amendment, rather than <br /> making amendments to amendments. He said the funding supports the SOG. He said it <br /> is done fairly, and he will not support this amendment. <br /> Paul Laughton said the Orange County Board of Commissioners does have a <br /> contingency amount, and this item could be placed there while staff gathers more <br /> information and the BOCC could make a final decision in the fall. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Marcoplos, seconded by Commissioner <br /> Dorosin to endorse being connected to the SOG, but due to this being a Covid year to <br /> defunding by $10,000 and put funds in the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> Contingency fund and paying the remainder to SOG, while ascertaining if we have the <br /> access to their resources, and if need be pay the rest to the SOG. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the funding amount is determined by the SOG's <br /> funding model, and this amendment does not seem equitable. <br /> Chair Rich said it is important during this time to find exactly what the funds are <br /> being used for. <br /> VOTE: Ayes, 2 (Commissioner Marcoplos and Commissioner Dorosin); Nays, 5 <br /> (Commissioner McKee, Chair Rich, Commissioner Price, Commissioner Greene <br /> Commissioner Bedford) <br /> Amendment 009/010 - Defund NCACC <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he has attended a few NCACC conferences, and <br /> would like to know NCACC's impact on the legislature. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said NCACC provides an opportunity to work across the <br /> aisles, and this group directly benefits counties. <br /> Commissioner Greene said Attorney General Stein was approached about the <br /> opioid legislation, and any possible payout, he approached the NCACC for ideas and <br /> partnership. She said there is value in this membership. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos pulled the amendment. <br />