Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> Miriam Leiberman said she was one of the therapists with the Pro Bono Counseling <br /> Network for years. She said she always had clients that were part of this program, and it <br /> offered a way for those in need to find a therapist through an ethical and affordable channel. <br /> She said the Network coordinated continuing education classes for the therapists, which was a <br /> wonderful way for them to earn their required hours. She said this program had worked, and <br /> therapists want to volunteer their time, but it is so important to do so with a safety net. <br /> Jessica Sheffield said she is the Executive Director of the Eno River Association, and <br /> her Board sent the following letter to the Orange County Board of Commissioners earlier today, <br /> which is below: <br /> Dear Board of County Commissioners, <br /> We understand that the impacts of Covid-19 may result in the County facing lower revenue. <br /> However, the Eno River Association is adamantly opposed to the proposed FY 2020-21 CIP <br /> amendments CIP-004, CIP005, and CIP-006 affecting the Lands Legacy and Conservation <br /> Easement Programs in Orange County. Since 2000 over$8 million in other funding--from grants <br /> and landowner donations--has been raised for land protection due to the Lands Legacy <br /> Program and Conservation Easement Program. With those dollars nearly 4,000 acres within <br /> Orange County have been protected, creating parks for underserved populations within our <br /> community, improving water quality for over 500,000 citizens, ensuring viable farmland into the <br /> future and climate change resiliency, and strengthening the overall health and wellbeing of <br /> Orange County residents. <br /> These past weeks we have seen unprecedented numbers of visitors to Orange County open <br /> spaces, seeking solace during these difficult times. It is clear that more open space is needed to <br /> accommodate our neighbors. Investments in land protection today provide lasting, positive <br /> impacts on our community into the future. Proximity to parks and open space enhances the <br /> value of residential properties and produces increased tax revenues for communities. Open <br /> spaces capture precipitation, reduce stormwater management costs, and by protecting <br /> underground water sources, open spaces reduce the cost of drinking water up to tenfold. <br /> Improving access to public open space can increase levels of physical activity, provide mental <br /> health benefits and reduce healthcare costs. <br /> The Eno River Association and Orange County have worked collaboratively to protect land in <br /> the Eno River Watershed since 2012. Together we hold six conservation easements on working <br /> farms totaling 398 acres, and Orange County has helped us protect an additional 250 acres of <br /> land. The proposed amendments would pull all additional funding from the Lands Legacy <br /> Program and all funding from the Conservation Easement Program for the next three years. <br /> This would devastate land protection efforts in Orange County. Without the financial <br /> commitment of the County, we would no longer be able to leverage grant funds to support land <br /> acquisition. In most cases, our joint funding partners require matching resources, especially <br /> from municipal and county governments. The lack of County funding would undermine all land <br /> trusts working to preserve land for future generations. The Eno River Association staff and <br /> Board of Directors urge you to reject the proposed amendments CIP-004, CIP-005, and CIP- <br /> 006. <br /> Riley Ruske said Orange County has the highest tax rates in the state. He said the <br /> County's 136 entities, along with the school boards, try to find ways to spend taxpayer dollars. <br /> He said there are many things in the proposed budgets that appear to be non-essential, and <br /> seem to bloat the budget. He said only one Commissioner has expressed concern for the <br /> taxpayer's burden. He said County government has no regard for the taxpayer, and will <br />