Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> a unique background to fill the needs of her community members facing evictions in these <br /> unprecedented circumstances. She said Tenants Rights, Inc. is uniquely prepared to represent <br /> ALL Orange County tenants, regardless of immigration status, income level, or other <br /> circumstances. She said Tenants Rights, Inc. also offers grassroots organizing and lobbying <br /> along with legal representation. <br /> Jamie Paulen said Tenant Rights, Inc. is requesting BOCC funding from the social <br /> justice fund in the amount of$40,000 to fund this organization, which is dedicated to Orange <br /> County residents first. She said while organizing and lobbying will benefit those beyond <br /> Orange County, Tenant Rights will only commit to tenant representation in Orange County, if <br /> this proposal was granted. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the money being requested is from the social justice fund from <br /> FY 2019-20. <br /> Riley Ruske read the following statement: <br /> Trust between the citizens and the government that is supposed to represent them is a very <br /> fragile thing. The foundation of that trust is the citizens' belief that their government officials will <br /> act in accordance with the laws of the nation and state. In fact, our Commissioners take an oath <br /> of office `that I will support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the United States, and the <br /> Constitution and laws of North Carolina not inconsistent therewith'. <br /> When this program proposal entered the public record at the May 19 board meeting it included <br /> language that indicated an intent to use this funding in violation of federal laws. One sentence <br /> in the first paragraph and an entire second paragraph made this intent clear. Several members <br /> of Orange County government are listed as being involved in this proposal and the County <br /> Manager recommended approval of it. This raises the issue of whether Orange County <br /> government can be trusted to comply with federal laws. The County Manager did remove this <br /> proposal from the May 19 agenda after the meeting had started. <br /> In tonight's proposal, the entire second paragraph has been removed but the sentence in the <br /> first paragraph remains. Due to the original expressed intent there is a question as to whether <br /> the program will be executed in accordance with federal laws. <br /> To restore the broken trust created by the original proposal, I recommend adding a new second <br /> paragraph as follows: <br /> "The County Manager, County Chief Financial Officer and the Chair of the Board of Orange <br /> County Commissioners shall personally and officially accept responsibility to make certain that <br /> no funds in this program are used by any person or entity in violation of federal laws. In the <br /> event of any such violations, these officials shall, in their official capacity, request the U.S. <br /> Attorney for the Middle District of North Carolina to prosecute the individuals or entities involved <br /> in such violations." <br /> Hopefully, this would begin to restore the broken trust. <br /> Thank you. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he is encouraged that this project is coordinated within so <br /> many County departments, and with the Towns. He said this is a financially reasonable <br /> request. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the Governor has extended the moratorium on evictions <br /> (until June 21stor 261", with the exception of utility cut offs), and asked if there is a timeline to get <br /> this program up and running. <br />