Orange County NC Website
9 <br />• The consultant shall involve the Orange County Personnel Director and the Personnel Analyst in <br />all phases of the study. <br />• The consultant will orient the Personnel Director and the Personnel Analyst to the job <br />evaluation methodology that will be used. <br />• Orange County expects the consultant's project manager to be a strong participant in the study <br />so that he or she can answer detailed questions from Personnel, department heads and <br />employees about the study results and recommendations. <br />Proposal Requirements <br />Proposals submitted must include the following information: <br />1. Indication that the consultant will meet the requirements outlined in this request for proposals. <br />2. Information describing the consultant's plan for conducting the study, including a projected <br />timetable specifying the projected time far study completion, as well as each phase of the study. <br />3. A description of the specific job evaluation methodology that the consultant will use. In this, <br />indicate specifically whether points or a numerical rating system are used in the job evaluation <br />rnethodolagy. <br />4. A list of items and/or additional support needed from Persomiel staff, including functions that <br />are anticipated to be completed solely by Personnel staff. <br />5. Name of the person who will direct the study, conduct interviews, and attend meetings. <br />Background information on this person's qualifications. <br />6. Name(s) of the person(s) who will assist in the study and background information on these <br />persons. Orange County retains the right to pre-approve any other consultants who might assist <br />with the interviews or other portions of the study that involve interactions with County <br />employees and officials. <br />7. A brief history of the consulting firm and North Carolina local government references. <br />8. The total cost for the classification and pay study. <br />B. Pay Equity Study <br />Purpose <br />Orange County is requesting that consultants submit proposals to complete a Pay Equity Study <br />either as part of the Classification and Pay Study or as immediate follow on to the study. <br />Background <br />The Board of Commissioners also may be interested in pursuing a Pay Equity Study, contingent <br />