Orange County NC Website
<br />Communications <br />Preliminary results to Personnel and Department Heads. The consultant will present <br />preliminary findings and recommendations to Personnel. The consultant will meet with <br />Personnel, the Manager, department heads and supervisors of major units to explain findings <br />and present recommendations. Before information is distributed to employees the department <br />heads will review class specifications and pay recommendations and suggest any changes <br />needed. The consultant must be available for individual meetings with department heads to <br />discuss questions or issues related to recommendations, as needed. The consultant will consider <br />and respond to any feedback or issues arising from the department head reviews and provide <br />Personnel with any updating to preliminary results following the department head reviews. <br />2. Preliminary Results to Employees. The departments and Personnel will carry out most of the <br />communication with employees. A limited number of telephone calls or meetings may be <br />required by the consultant to explain recommendations. General information to employees and <br />explanation to employees of decisions are considered a part of the basic project. <br />3. Final results and reconzmendatians to Personnel. The consultant will advise Personnel of final <br />results and recommendations. The consultant, Personnel Director and Personnel Analyst will <br />inform department heads of final study results. <br />4. Final Results to Employees. Personnel and department heads will inform employees. Again at <br />this stage a limited number of telephone calls or meetings may be required by the consultant to <br />explain recommendations and address initial employee appeals. Again, general information to <br />employees and explanation to employees of decisions are considered a part of the basic project. <br />Timeframe: Communications completed and classification and pay information ready for inclusion <br />in the Manager's Recommended Budget by the end of March 2002. <br />Appeals <br />For employee appeals not resolved by communications and discussion at the preliminary and final <br />results steps above, Personnel may request additional information from the consultant (either <br />written or oral) as to the basis for recommendations. This will be considered part of the basic <br />project. For more extensive appeals requiring steps such as re-interviews, second meetings with <br />employees ar additional market data once the study is completed, the County would contract <br />separately with the consultant for such work on a hourly basis. <br />Timeframe: By the end of May 2002 <br />Presentation to Board of County Commissioners <br />The consultant, Personnel Director and Personnel Analyst will present the classification and pay <br />study results and recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners. A follow-up <br />presentation may be necessary. <br />Timeframe: Mid April 2002 <br />