Orange County NC Website
<br />information presented on the position description questionnaires and in the interviews and to <br />receive the department head's input on any position classification and pay issues in that <br />department. <br />Timeframe: Interviews may begin in September and are to be completed by mid-December. <br />4. Classification Recommendations and Class specificativns. Following the review and field audit <br />of existing positions, the consultant will identify class groupings and tentative allocations and <br />review these with Personnel. The consultant then will draft class specifications for any <br />recommended new classes and will update existing class specifications for any classes where the <br />information on the existing class specification has changed. The present format for the <br />County's class specifications is as follows: General Definition of Work; Typical Tasks; <br />Knowledge, Skills and Abilities; Education and Experience; and Special Requirements such as <br />licensure (if applicable). <br />The consultant will deliver class specifications as a draft, review these with Personnel and <br />departments and incorporate any necessary changes. <br />Timeframe: Draft allocations are to be ready for discussion with Personnel staff by early <br />January 2002. <br />Scope of the Study -Pay Portion <br />1. Labor Market Survey. The consultant will conduct a market salary survey by gathering <br />comparable salary information from 12 other North Carolina counties and four Research <br />Triangle area municipalities. <br />/ The twelve counties are Alamance, Cabarrus, Chatham, Durham, Forsyth, Gaston, Guilford, <br />Mecklenberg, Ferson, Rowan, Union and Wake. These counties are either located in or very <br />close to the three major developing economic regions of the state -Research Triangle, <br />Fiedmont Triad and Metrolina. <br />/ The four area municipalities are the Town of Cary, Town of Chapel Hill, City of Durham <br />and Raleigh. <br />The survey will include benchmark classes and in addition should incorporate a variety of <br />specialized positions as determined in conjunction with the Personnel Director. Salary survey <br />data collected must include salary range minimums and maximums, actual salaries paid and the <br />number of positions so that weighted averages may be determined. <br />2. Analysis affindings and recommendations. The consultant will evaluate the salary grade <br />assignment for each class based on the review of duties and responsibilities and salary survey. <br />From this analysis, the consultant will recommend a classification and salary grade assignment <br />for each position in the existing County salary schedule. The consultant also will recommend a <br />salary implementation plan for the study results along with estimated costs. <br />Timeframe: Draft allocations are to be ready for discussion with Personnel staff along with <br />salary data and tentative implementation cost figures by the end of February 2002. <br />