Orange County NC Website
Existing Classificatian and Pay Plan <br />The last comprehensive classification and pay study was conducted in 1990 and was implemented <br />in 1991. Presently there are 251 classes and written class specifications for each class. The current <br />classification plan uses point/factor rating methodology and is administered by Personnel <br />Department staff. <br />Each classification is assigned to a salary grade in the County pay plan from Salary Grade 58 to <br />Grade 88. The salary grades are about five percent apart. Within each salary grade there are <br />predefined steps from Step 1 through Step 11B with a total spread of 59 percent from each salary <br />range minimum to maximum. <br />Scope of the Study -Classification Portion <br />Orientation meetings. The consultant with the participation of the Personnel Director and <br />Personnel Analyst will meet with Department Heads and employees to discuss the study <br />objectives, explain the study plan and methodology and to discuss the work components of the <br />study. This will include requesting completed position description questionnaires. There are <br />about 670 employees (725 positions) located in Hillsborough and Chapel Hill. Multiple <br />sessions (approximately 10) will be needed on several different days and at different times. <br />Timeframe: Begin in July and complete no later than mid-August. <br />2. Position descriptions, salary Izandbooks, organization charts, existing class specifications and <br />other job-related information. Personnel will coordinate requesting and receiving an updated <br />position description completed by each permanent employee. Personnel will provide these <br />descriptions to the consultant for use in reviewing the duties and responsibilities of positions. <br />The County has an existing position description questionnaire that may be used for this purpose <br />or the consultant may use its own position description form, with the advance review and <br />approval of the Personnel Director. <br />In addition to the position descriptions, Personnel will provide the consultant with a copy of the <br />County salary handbook, organization charts, existing class specifications and other job-related <br />information. <br />Timeframe: Position descriptions to be received by September 30, 2001. Different deadlines <br />for receipt of information could be established for different groups, but all should be completed <br />by the end of September. <br />3. Desk Audits/Interviews. The consultant will conduct desk audits/interviews with representative <br />employees in each class and supervisors to review, clarify and understand duties and <br />responsibilities. In order to assure good information gathering, a smooth process and <br />acceptance by employees, a high percentage of interviews is expected (at least 50 percent and <br />preferably more). If there are several positions assigned to a class, the consultant may choose to <br />conduct a group interview or interview a representative number of employees. However, at <br />least one interview will be conducted far each class of positions. <br />The consultant will conduct a conference with each department head to review and verify <br />