Orange County NC Website
Given the funding available, difficulty of projecting at this time the specific pay equity study <br />needs that will remain after completion of the classification and pay study and wide divergence <br />of proposals, staff recommends the County hold off for now on attempting to contract for a pay <br />equity study. Staff recommends that the County complete the classification and pay study, take <br />advantage of Dr. Condrey's offered statistical analysis, identify the specific pay equity <br />issues/needs remaining, if any, and issue a request for proposals tailored to those needs. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Condrey and Associates fee for the classification and pay study is <br />$71,250. This is inclusive of all the services to be provided. The recommended budget far <br />2001-02 includes $65,000 in funding for the classification and pay study. Personnel has funds <br />available within the recommended Personnel Department budget for 2001-02 that can be <br />realigned to make up the funding shortfall of $6,250. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS): The Manager recommends that the Board approve awarding the <br />RFP for the classification and pay study to Condrey and Associates, authorize the Personnel <br />Director to draft the contract for services, subject to the review of staff and the County Attorney, <br />and authorize the Manager to execute the contract. <br />