Orange County NC Website
In terms of seeking a consultant, it was planned to explore first with the Institute of Government <br />(IOG) its services and the possibility of the IOG providing the consultant. <br />IOG Phase 1 Study Proposal <br />In follow up to the April 16 work session, staff discussed with the IOG the study needs and plan. <br />The IOG has provided a proposal for the services it could provide in completing a <br />Phase 1 response to the Board of Commissioners' assessment objectives. Attached is the IOG <br />proposal far services. The principal consultant completing the work would be IOG staff member <br />Kevin FitzGerald. The attachment includes Mr. FitzGerald's resume. <br />In summary, the IOG proposal provides for Phase 1 work to include: <br />• Survey of organizational studies completed by the five organizations named in Item 1 above <br />(OWASA, City of Winston-Salem, Town of Chapel Hill, Triangle J Council of Governments <br />and the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners) and written report of findings. <br />• Communications review including: <br />/ Gaining understanding of the interests of the County leadership in terms of improving the <br />communications functions, through interviews with County Commissioners, County <br />Manager, Clerk to the Board, Information Specialist, Management Analyst and selected <br />department heads. <br />/ Reviewing the present County organization of communications functions and <br />communications practices. <br />/ Comparing the Orange County communications organization and practices with <br />benchmark organizations, including the counties of Buncombe, Catawba, Durham, <br />Forsyth, Guilford and New Hanover and the Towns of Cary, Hickory and Salisbury. <br />/ Evaluation of Orange County publications, including web publications, for readability and <br />effectiveness. <br />/ Evaluation of Orange County's use of Internet technology to accomplish communications <br />functions. <br />/ Written report with recommendations. <br />Following the Board's receipt and consideration of information from the Phase 1 review, then <br />the Board could decide on recommendations to implement or explore further from the Phase <br />study. In terms of time frame, the IOG proposes -contingent on June Board approval of the <br />Phase 1 proposal and plan--that it would initiate the Phase 1 study in July and complete it by <br />early September. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The IOG charge for the Phase 1 work is $7,500. Funds for the <br />organizational assessment project are included in the recommended budget for 2001-02. <br />