Orange County NC Website
7 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 110 <br /> 111 Hunter Spitzer: I noticed in the Comprehensive Land Use map that there are protected areas identified in green but <br /> 112 in the areas selected to be rezoned as Suburban Office, there are no protected areas and I was wondering why not <br /> 113 but they are identified as protected in the County Land Use map. I suppose I know why, because we don't want to <br /> 114 restrict development but I was wondering if you could lend anything to that. <br /> 115 <br /> 116 Tom Altieri: It's really for no particular reason, it's just a matter of the Town took the initial step in the development of <br /> 117 the Joint Land Use Plan and it used the Land Use categories that it already had in its existing plan and it is just not <br /> 118 shown on the map in the Joint Land Use Plan. Those areas there certainly exist, I did mention that if or how <br /> 119 development occur in those resource protection areas is really handled through our Zoning Ordinance with stream <br /> 120 buffers and so forth. I think the resource protections area is really shown on the County's Future Land Use map as <br /> 121 more, let's just say, a reminder, if you would. That layer that land use category does not have a direct companion- <br /> 122 zoning district or applicable zoning districts that would be applied in a resource protection area. It's more or less just <br /> 123 an overlay just to show where there is a high likelihood of wetlands or steep slopes and so forth. <br /> 124 <br /> 125 Hunter Spitzer: Ok,thank you. <br /> 126 <br /> 127 David Blankfard: I have a question, so Orange County Comprehensive Plan map says it's 20 parcels and 89 acres <br /> 128 and Hillsborough says it's 17 parcels and 84 acres. Is that just the Town and Orange County finally coming together <br /> 129 to make the map match up? <br /> 130 <br /> 131 Tom Altieri: That is correct. There are just a few parcels that are addressed in the COCA Land Use Plan on the <br /> 132 north side of the amendment area that are also covered in the County's Future Land Use map so there's a little <br /> 133 overlap there. That's why when we're looking at amendments to the COCA Land Use Plan the acreage amount is <br /> 134 different from the County's Land Use Plan. I can point those out if you'd like to see the differences, I know you have <br /> 135 the maps in your packets but there is just a few parcels and a few acres difference between the two amendments <br /> 136 and that's right along the northern boundary of the amendment area. <br /> 137 <br /> 138 Melissa Poole: Will you flip back— I think it was 17, one of the maps where it had the star. (Map was shown) This is <br /> 139 currently Rural Residential and the star is where the RTLP is planned to go. <br /> 140 <br /> 141 Tom Altieri: Correct. <br /> 142 <br /> 143 Melissa Poole: So, I guess my questions is that it seems like we are doing this backwards, for me if this is Rural <br /> 144 Residential then why is RTLP planned to go there but we are only now talking about rezoning? It seems like we are <br /> 145 doing this backwards. Am I misunderstanding? <br /> 146 <br /> 147 Tom Altieri: What we are doing is responding to the Town's expansion of its Urban Services area and we are <br /> 148 reflecting that on the Joint Land Use Plan with Hillsborough and when that's done, we need to apply a Future Land <br /> 149 Use category to the map and that is the addition of the Suburban Office Complex. We also need to add a County <br /> 150 Land Use classification which is Economic Development District. The County is not proposing rezoning so this 12 <br /> 151 acres would stay R1. However, there is another item on your agenda tonight where the developer is initiating a <br /> 152 process to also amend the zoning, not just for the 12 acres where the star is, but for a couple of the parcels to the <br /> 153 north as well. I hope that answers your question. These are really separate amendments. We have a County <br /> 154 initiated amendment to implement the expansion of the Town's Urban Services Area that is different and separate <br /> 155 from the developer's proposal and the rezoning required for RTLP. It's just a matter of the two amendments share 12 <br /> 156 acres. Does that help? <br /> 157 <br /> 158 Melissa Poole: Yes, thank you. <br /> 159 <br /> 160 David Blankfard: Ok, we will take comments from the public. Please say your name and if you received a letter from <br /> 161 the County about this amendment. Thank you. <br /> 162 <br /> 163 Franklin Garland: My name is Franklin Garland and I live off of Ode Turner Road. It seems like this was tried <br /> 164 already and I have a lot to say. Some people have ceded their time to me because I have spent the last two weeks <br /> 165 actually doing research. Nobody on the south side of the 1-40 wants this, ok, the residents. There's approximately <br />