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11 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 334 <br /> 335 Craig Benedict: That's correct. <br /> 336 <br /> 337 Jared Jurkiewicz: My name is Jared Jurkiewicz; I live down Davis Road as well just past the New Hope Subdivision. <br /> 338 I'm actually in the Windsong Subdivision, which is a tenth of a mile from them. I am also the president of the <br /> 339 homeowners association for the Windsong Subdivision representing approximately 15 households on this call and 1 <br /> 340 would just like us all to go on record saying that we oppose making these changes here all of us are extremely <br /> 341 concerned about the detrimental effects it will have to our community, to the traffic on Davis and to the overall <br /> 342 lifestyle of the area. It has been summarized by Franklin and several others beforehand that many of us moved out <br /> 343 here specifically because it was a rural area and we wanted to be outside of the city. We did not come here to <br /> 344 suddenly have a massive manufacturing facility and warehouse district pop up in our back yards. A lot of us are <br /> 345 incredibly unhappy about this and I don't know if it is true or not but I know it has been discussed among people here <br /> 346 as we feel like this is being snuck in and hidden with the things such as the signs that are unreadable on the road <br /> 347 unless you stop and endanger your life to read them. That the stuff is being done very under the table and sort of an <br /> 348 underhanded fashion and it is breeding a lot of resentment with the residents of this area. I can that's true for my <br /> 349 entire subdivision, it's come up in our homeowners association meetings several time now and as Franklin said, it <br /> 350 really feels like, even though the statute said or the creed said that Hillsborough residents come first, it feels like we <br /> 351 are all coming last. That this corporation, which is from out of state, is getting more preferential treatment than the <br /> 352 2000+citizens that live here and that's pretty much my entire comment. Thank you. <br /> 353 <br /> 354 Hunter Spitzer: New question, I know that the Town is planning to expand sewer service area to the north of this <br /> 355 parcel that's in question right now and they will provide services to the proposed RTLP development but I remember <br /> 356 reading the plan that they're also planning a long term vision to build a sewer loop that will return back across 86 and <br /> 357 1 wondered if the Town needs this area to complete that project? <br /> 358 <br /> 359 Craig Benedict: Tom, I can handle that one. The loop that they would be providing would be for a water system and <br /> 360 not a sewer system. So it's likely that in order to get the fire flows for development of this type, that a loop would <br /> 361 occur back from 1-40 near the service road through the development and back out to Old 86 where there is presently <br /> 362 a large water line in 86 now. As far as the sewer system, this area even this additional 12 acre area and the other <br /> 363 roughly 70 acres on the east side all flows by gravity naturally to the sewer systems within Hillsborough. That's why <br /> 364 this both could be served easily by the sewer system and also water main loop that would go back to the existing <br /> 365 facilities along Old 86. <br /> 366 <br /> 367 Hunter Spitzer: Right,the Town doesn't necessarily need this area to complete the water loop. <br /> 368 <br /> 369 Craig Benedict: There's multiple engineering solutions. One of them would be a loop system so it's something that's <br /> 370 being explored to provide those fire flows that are necessary. <br /> 371 <br /> 372 David Blankfard: I think the other way they could do it is to have a fire pump inside each room and each building <br /> 373 could generate the flows that they would need for a sprinkler system but those are costly. <br /> 374 <br /> 375 Bob Bundschuh: My name is Bob Bundschuh; I also live in New Hope Springs, a couple of miles down Davis. I'll try <br /> 376 to keep this to this particular amendment. The first question I have is when did Hillsborough actually approve this? <br /> 377 You said that this is the next step the County has to then follow suit but why now? What made it pertinent this month <br /> 378 to actually start doing this and is it related to the second part of the agenda? Looking at your first five slides, you <br /> 379 looked at all the areas that are slated for development, there are a lot of areas that are slated for development, <br /> 380 already zoned for development and aren't developed yet. So why the push to do this right now, why don't we wait <br /> 381 until we actually let the demand start catching up with the supply. Or as some people have said is this a quick way to <br /> 382 get this kind of rezoned and then call it the master plan which back when Settler's Point was going on this was phase <br /> 383 3 and some type of retirement place and we're going to go ahead and table that as kind of a negotiation tactic that <br /> 384 was used back then. So why is it suddenly become a thing to, it's not a rezoning but we're going to match it up with <br /> 385 the master plan for the Suburban Office. The second one is the 12 acre parcel at the northwest corner, it's kind of <br /> 386 funny that it is connected to the redrawing of the lines to say,we need that little 12 acre parcel to become part of this <br /> 387 complex across the way. So we had 89 acres and 12 of it is across the street. Is it really realistic that someone <br /> 388 would actually go in and get that 12 acres, develop it you said, a walkable office building without drive up traffic or is <br /> 389 that a way to let's get this little corner across the street, and Hunter even eluded to it, do we have to do it in the right <br />