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Approved 8/5/20 <br /> <br /> <br />Michael Harvey: There is nothing in the UDO that would prevent that. All the property owner would have to do is 106 <br />comply with applicable setback standards. 107 <br /> 108 <br />Michael Harvey: What this amendment does is establish a key date as it relates to the enforcement of the reservoir 109 <br />setback from the West Fork on the Eno. The amendment establishes the date for staff to ascertain what constitutes 110 <br />an existing lot and existing development when enforcing the required structure and septic setbacks. The UDO 111 <br />contains waiver provisions for an existing lot so that property owners who own a parcel established prior to the 112 <br />development or designation of a reservoir site with respect to locating a structure and septic system. Unfortunately 113 <br />this amendment will not address everyone’s issues along the Eno. For example we have a property owner who has 114 <br />subdivided his lot several times from 1997 to today. His property will not qualify as an existing lot under this 115 <br />provision. The County staff chose the proposed date that made sense as it relates to the enforcement of reservoir 116 <br />setbacks. February 12, 1997 is the date the West Fork on the Eno reservoir was established as it relates to 117 <br />identifying the point where the 150 ft. structure and 300 ft. septic setback are taken from. 118 <br /> 119 <br />I am asking the Board to approve the Statement of Consistency in Attachment 3 and recommend the adoption of the 120 <br />revised Attachment 4, which establishes the key critical date with respect to what constitutes exis ting development 121 <br />and an existing lot along the West Fork on the Eno of February 12, 1997. 122 <br /> 123 <br />Hunter Spitzer: Is there a way to amend the proposal to change the dates for what constitutes a legal lot and existing 124 <br />development to a different date? I am concerned there may be some property owners who will not qualify with the 125 <br />February 12, 1997 date and we will make more structures nonconforming. 126 <br /> 127 <br />Michael Harvey: I am not comfortable with that. The intent of the identified sections is to define what qualifies as 128 <br />existing development and an existing lot as it relates to when a reservoir was established. From the date a reservoir 129 <br />is established, people who subdivide their property are obligated to abide by applicable reservoir setbacks for 130 <br />structures and septic systems. I will remind all parties there is nothing in this section preventing a property owner 131 <br />from seeking a variance from the Board of Adjustment if they believe the strict interpretation of the UDO infringes on 132 <br />their development or redevelopment of their property. 133 <br /> 134 <br />Hunter Spitzer: That only covers regulated subdivisions correct? 135 <br /> 136 <br />Michael Harvey: All property, created through the regulated, expedited, exempt subdivision processes, are required 137 <br />to abide by the established setbacks when they develop their property. This is handled as part of the zoning 138 <br />compliance permit process, which is separate from the subdivision process, and would include compliance with the 139 <br />150 ft. setback for all structures and the 300 ft. setback for all septic systems from a reservoir. You are correct, 140 <br />however, it is likely a property owner engaging in an exempt subdivision will not be aware of the potential impacts of 141 <br />their action as it relates to complying with applicable reservoir setbacks. Unfortunately that is not something staff can 142 <br />address. We can continue to advise property owners of the issue but cannot require they take the consequences 143 <br />into account when deciding to proceed with an exempt subdivision. 144 <br /> 145 <br />Craig Benedict: Some of these issues hit home for property owners when the Town began clearing property to allow 146 <br />for the raising of the reservoir. It became clearer to those property owners just where the edge of the reservoir was 147 <br />going to be and that led to questions of us on anticipated impacts. 148 <br /> 149 <br />Patricia Roberts: Will these people have to purchase flood insurance? 150 <br /> 151 <br />Michael Harvey: There is nothing in the UDO mandating property owner purchase flood insurance. There is existing 152 <br />special flood hazard area along the reservoir. It is typically up to the lending inst itution if flood insurance will be 153 <br />required. Again I want to clarify this amendment package, in and of itself, does not create the need for flood 154 <br />insurance. I will not bore you with my 20 minute presentation on why you should purchase flood insurance 155 <br />regardless of your property’s location within a special flood hazard area. 156 <br /> 157 <br />Randy Marshal: The aerial photo still shows trees along the reservoir area. Has clearing begun? 158