<br />
<br />2000 residents that get involved in this. I know that you’re looking at just one particular piece of land out there but 166
<br />what does the public, what do the people of Orange County have to say about this? I am looking at the Code of 167
<br />Ethics, I’m looking at the Mission Statements, it says here “serve the residents of Orange County” “our residents 168
<br />come first”. Now the residents don’t want this, ok. I know that, I personally put out 2000 flyers last week and it’s 169
<br />unanimous out there that nobody wants it. So how can you force this on us, ok. Even though we don’t want it. That’s 170
<br />another question for the Planning and Inspections Board out here. I have many, many questions that go along here 171
<br />and I’m going to read a statement later on that maybe clarifies a whole lot but right now, my main question is what 172
<br />give you the right to just force this on us? Anybody? Want to care to answer? Who’s win?173
<br />174
<br />David Blankfard: Your elected officials, they are the ones that started this with the Town... (interrupted) 175
<br />176
<br />Franklin Garland: So our elected officials…177
<br />178
<br />David Blankfard: Hold on, let me finish, your elected officials are the ones that started this land use planning, years 179
<br />and years ago so I don’t know what to tell you.180
<br />181
<br />Franklin Garland: in 1991, this was planned as an EDD, actually all this area out here was rural, and it was 182
<br />designated possibly as an Economic Development Area because I-40 wasn’t in place then. Once I-40 went in place, 183
<br />I believe in 1984, actually you said 1981. It actually was designated as is and this is 39 years ago. This whole area 184
<br />has grown to be residential now. It’s no longer open space and rural and like I said it’s a whole lot of people out 185
<br />there. If our elected officials are choosing to do this, why are they going in there with perceived ideas, and already 186
<br />made up their mind that this is going to happen. That’s not the democratic way. That’s called a fascist way when you 187
<br />do it that way. It’s very offensive, most people are offended by this and we’re trying to put a stop to this. By the way, 188
<br />I think this is a ridiculous way to hold a meeting. I am going to add that, that we have 42 attendees where in person 189
<br />you would probably have several thousand today, ok. It’s not valid for anybody in there, we actually are trying to take 190
<br />some legal action on this as well. I will have more to say, I have a statement that I mailed out to the Commissioners 191
<br />already, I hope that they have the courtesy to read it, I asked them to actually reply via email, text, call any which way 192
<br />that they had actually received the email. I have one of the Commissioners actually respond, that said they received 193
<br />it, not that they had read it, it would be nice if they actually went with how their constituency actually feels. I think 194
<br />they are the ones that count out here. Again, like I said earlier, as that our residents come first and you’re putting the 195
<br />Town of Hillsborough first. You’re putting the Planning Board first, what the whims are there. We are perfectly happy 196
<br />with our wells, we don’t want city water necessarily out here. We don’t want city sewer, we are out of the Town, we 197
<br />don’t want to be annexed and this is not just me. I happen to hold a chunk of property that is immediately adjacent to 198
<br />this that I’m structure out there that basically, 2.5 million square feet big. This is about 3 times the size of Carter 199
<br />Findlay Stadium and you say that doesn’t have an impact. You’re putting this in middle of an area that is completely 200
<br />at this point basically residential. So you’re going to put an industrial park for lack of a better word, because this light 201
<br />manufacturing, any manufacturing as you actually look carefully in there, warehousing and logistic center. That 202
<br />translates into industrial park, this is a pretty hefty size industrial park. It would actually, just to give you a couple 203
<br />comparison numbers, the PNC Center is 700,000 square feet including all the levels, so that’s 700,000 this is 2.5 204
<br />million that you want to put in there. Carter Findlay Stadium is 107,000 square feet. How can this not going to have 205
<br />an impact on this whole area, doing this. 206
<br />207
<br />David Blankfard: I think your comments, most of the stuff you are wanting to talk about is going to be held up in the 208
<br />later item. Right now we’re talking about something else. Thank you.209
<br />210
<br />Franklin Garland: I know you’re trying to approve something that is going to be the infrastructure for something else.211
<br />212
<br />Craig Benedict: Good evening, my name is Craig Benedict, Orange County Planning Director. Just a little bit about 213
<br />how we can answer some questions from the public in how we will handle it moving forward. If staff can address with 214
<br />a quick answer, if it’s a or b we will provide that during this meeting, if it is a more lengthy question, we will make 215
<br />note of the public comment and we can provide in writing the justification of the goals of the County and how the 216
<br />process has come forward.217
<br />218
<br />Franklin Garland: (background discussion of a personal nature)219
<br />220
<br />Perdita Holtz: I have gone ahead and muted Franklin Garland221
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