Planning Board - 081920 Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board - 081920 Agenda Packet
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Last modified
8/17/2020 12:13:04 PM
Creation date
8/17/2020 11:56:01 AM
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081920 Spec Planning Board Minutes
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D R A F T <br /> <br />Franklin Garland: Thank you for taking my questions again, I know I am using a lot of the time out here. Somethings 611 <br />that haven’t been asked yet and I know this will come up later on in the meeting but are any Commissioners present 612 <br />today for this meeting. That’s one question, ok.613 <br />614 <br />Perdita Holtz: Can I go ahead and answer that and say that Commission Chair Penny Rich is on the call as an 615 <br />attendee.616 <br />617 <br />Franklin Garland: She the only one.618 <br />619 <br />Perdita Holtz: Yes, it is not typical that BOCC members attend Planning Board meeting.620 <br />621 <br />Franklin Garland: So this is moot, what we’re discussing the decision everything we’re saying.622 <br />623 <br />Perdita Holtz: Well this the Planning Board meeting and there will be a public hearing before the Board of County 624 <br />Commissioners at a future date.625 <br />626 <br />Franklin Garland: It’s my understanding, and everybody that has spoken so far that this was in fact an information 627 <br />meeting with the Commissioners present and once again it seems to me that the Planning Board is trying to sweep 628 <br />everything under that rug. Ok, again pulling the wool in front of our eyes. Big questions for you guys, there is the 629 <br />Research Triangle Logistic Park Company out there Terra Equity did a presentation for a hand full of people because 630 <br />nobody else was notified and Planning Board has made it a point of not notifying all the people that really get 631 <br />involved but just the ones that are in contact with the property. Ok, so sort of devious, ok because there are, like I 632 <br />said, thousands of people that get affected by this not just the 12 parcels around it. However, big big question, we 633 <br />did have an informational meeting on July 15th I believe it was and they said it was going to create 4500 jobs. The 634 <br />same argument used by the planning that was going to create this jobs for from Northern Orange County. So, this 635 <br />was with Summit Corporation. If we have 4500 new jobs out here and that are being created for the people who live 636 <br />in Northern Orange County, that means we’re going to have approximately 4500 cars coming through Hillsborough 637 <br />additional to the traffic that is a mess already there, in the morning and those cars are going to be returning in the 638 <br />afternoon ok. I don’t think that is exactly good planning by the way. I mean we really need a different way other than 639 <br />Churton to get through Hillsborough and that’s never going to happen but let’s go ahead and double the traffic out 640 <br />there. 4600 people that almost the population of Hillsborough that you actually adding to the traffic conditions out 641 <br />there ok. I don’t know if you guys have considered that apparently not because certainly that would require putting in 642 <br />four lanes or at least 2 lanes in every direction and that’s not in the plans either. I understand that DOT doesn’t have 643 <br />money to convert the roads at this one and to the work and Hillsborough doesn’t either ok. I also, actually good 644 <br />question out here, everything we got pretty much blindsided with Summit and it got approved. I will ask someone 645 <br />who is in the know, Summit got approved pretty much they just blew us away and said we’re going to do whatever we 646 <br />want anyhow and you did and then they pulled out. Why did they pull out, when did they pull out, what did Terra offer 647 <br />you that is making you do it. When did they let you know that they were going to do this and why weren’t we 648 <br />informed that this all had happened? Any care to comment on that, it is planning, this is you know obviously 649 <br />somebody planned Summit and decided to get out of it. Somebody now trying to just pull another one over us. I 650 <br />wouldn’t mind if Mr. Harvey or Mr. Benedict answered this one cause apparently they’re the one in charge of this and 651 <br />I hope they’re present because they are the planning commission and if they’re not there why are we even having 652 <br />this meeting?653 <br />654 <br />Craig Benedict: I can give you a brief answer; we will provide something in writing. The developer of Settler’s Point 655 <br />received approval in January 2018. At times, developers do not stay with the project and we are not privy to why they 656 <br />left the project, cease to exist. Another project did pick that up.657 <br />658 <br />Franklin Garland: Have you seen the damage they did back there already? And the wildlife that the displaced? I 659 <br />mean they literally raised it and then abandoned it.660 <br />661 <br />David Blankfard: I think that was the tornado.662 <br />663 <br />Franklin Garland: No, no, no, no, no, no we’re talking about 90 + acres that are devastated back there not tornados. 664 <br />Raised, cut down and raised and leveled with grading already having started on it. I am just curious why they pulled 665 <br />out. It seems like you guys would know. There would be some agreement that there have to do it since they went 666 <br />14
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