Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> taxes in difficult times and for those funds to be spent wisely and morally on the people who live <br /> and work in this county, this community. <br /> Our community wants to rally together. Public education is *the* issue to rally around. If we <br /> don't, we shouldn't be surprised when (not if) the tipping point Commissioner Dorosin alluded to <br /> occurs. Trust us, we've been watching how the dollars have been spent in Chapel Hill as close <br /> as, or even more closely, than you. We as an Association have been and continue to be <br /> outspoken regarding these expenditures. The Chapel Hill-Carrboro community has pulled <br /> together in recent months to hold our district leaders accountable for reckless spending and <br /> devastating cuts to program funding. But if you don't fund our schools because you're worried <br /> about how the funds have been (or might be) spent, you'll be compounding an already long <br /> existent problem. Do the right thing. Grant the funding for the benefits CHCCS wants to <br /> provide its educators and let the community hold them accountable for making sure it happens. <br /> We are eager to discuss this further with members of the Board of County Commissioners and <br /> will reach out in the coming days. Please feel free, however, to get in touch sooner if you feel <br /> moved to do so. We look forward to speaking with you soon. <br /> b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda <br /> below.) <br /> 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she attended a Department of Social Services (DSS) <br /> meeting yesterday, and approximately 400,000 meal equivalents have been served since this <br /> pandemic started. She said DSS is working hard, and is on track. She said she attended a <br /> Burlington Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (BGMPO) meeting, and she got a <br /> motion passed unanimously to get the staff and technical group to work together to bring back <br /> options for geographic equity moving forward. <br /> Commissioner McKee said at the work session last week, he jokingly asked the Board <br /> about joining him at the Whitted building for in person meetings. He petitioned for the BOCC <br /> and the public to meet at Whitted for the June 2nd meeting. He said the Board could meet on <br /> the floor, in front of the dais, 6 feet apart, with room for staff and public in the surrounding <br /> space. He offered this petition as long as it does not conflict with any orders from the <br /> Governor, and feels it would be a good way to take a safe step towards normalcy. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she sent an email to the Board about the opioid litigation <br /> group. She encouraged everyone to wear masks. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he sent an email to the Board about the organizations to <br /> which the BOCC belongs. He said the annual dues total about $60,000 and he would like to <br /> discuss if this is a good use of funds. He said these organizations are: Triangle J, National <br /> Association of Counties (NACO), North Carolina Association of County Commissioner <br /> (NCACC), and the School of Government. <br /> Commissioner Price said attended the Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro Metropolitan <br /> Planning Organization (DCHC- MPO) meeting, and there was a transit update. She said Travis <br /> Myren sent an email out last week about that, and the comment period ends on May 22nd <br /> Commissioner Price said the 55th anniversary of the Voting Act will occur on August 6, <br /> and she petitioned for a resolution to honor this anniversary be presented at the first BOCC <br /> meeting in September. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he attended the ABC board virtual meeting, and alcohol <br /> sales are up 10% from last year, and Orange County is currently ranked 12th in the state in <br />