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3 <br /> time for past few years, and he has questions about actual costs. He said there are <br /> questions that remain about comparative costs and other policy issues, such as <br /> contracting out these employees. He said, given that CHCCS is getting ready to enter <br /> into a custodial contract, he would like to petition that the BOCC ask the school board to <br /> delay signing a multi-year contract for one year. He said he would like to use that one- <br /> year to establish a small task force with representatives from the County and both school <br /> districts and flush out the cost pros and cons. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this committee could also look at the benefits of <br /> contracting out these services, from a policy perspective. He said he would recommend <br /> giving this task force a small window of time to return with information/recommendations, <br /> and it could be discussed by the schools prior to the schools' budget process. <br /> Chair Rich said she did reach out to CHCCS, and is not sure if CHCCS signed a <br /> contract or not. She asked if staff would find out tomorrow. <br /> Commissioner McKee said at the last meeting, he brought up the issue of the <br /> amount of C&D that could be dropped off at convenience centers, and the response he <br /> got back was not what he expected. He said he wanted this issue to be an agenda item, <br /> since this is a policy decision, and should have public engagement. He said the current <br /> practice is a radical change for the public, and if it continues there will most likely be <br /> more trash on the side of the road. He said reducing it to such a small amount is <br /> unacceptable, especially given the high fees residents pay for solid waste. <br /> Chair Rich said she had no comments. <br /> Commissioner Price said she also got the letter from James Williams, and there <br /> are options to move the picture of Ruffin to the right or to remove it altogether, and she <br /> would endorse removing both the portrait and the statue. <br /> Commissioner Greene said the letter asks for removal of portrait and statue. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would like to echo this request when Chair Rich <br /> writes her letter. <br /> Commissioner Greene said her assumption would be that Chair Rich would write <br /> a letter endorsing NC-CRED's letter. <br /> 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> a. Older Americans Month Proclamation <br /> The Board considered voting to approve a proclamation joining Federal and State <br /> governments in designating the month of May 2020 as Older Americans Month and a <br /> time to honor older adults for their contributions to the community and authorize the Chair <br /> to sign. <br /> Janice Tyler, Department on Aging Director, reviewed the following information: <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> May is Older Americans Month, a tradition dating back to 1963. For many years, the <br /> Board of Commissioners has issued a proclamation for Older Americans Month. This <br /> year's national theme is Make Your Mark. The theme highlights older adults' unique and <br /> lasting contributions to their communities — everything from sharing a story with <br /> grandchildren to leaving a legacy of community action. <br /> It also celebrates the many ways in which older adults make a difference in communities. <br /> It encompasses the idea that getting older does not mean what it used to. For many <br /> aging Americans, it is a phase of life where interests, goals and dreams can get a new <br /> and second start. Today, aging is about eliminating outdated perceptions and redefining <br /> the way you want to age. <br />