Orange County NC Website
Approved December 11, 2001  <br /> <br />“Tool Box” for Providing Services to <br />Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Clients <br /> <br />The components listed below are offered as suggested tools that departments may use to <br />accommodate the needs of non-English or limited-English speaking clients. Approaches may <br />vary depending upon specific departmental needs. <br /> <br />1) County Employees <br /> <br />Interpreter services may be provided through County employees as follows: <br />a) Employee whose primary duty is to provide interpreter services. <br />i) This employee may be hired by a single department or shared among departments who <br />need interpreter services for a major portion of the working day on a daily basis. This <br />type of arrangement would be recommended primarily for departments who are <br />categorized in the Policy as a provider of “critical services” and by the information <br />compiled in the departmental surveys, indicated a high need for interpreter services. <br />Departments seeking to add staff for this function would be subject to the new employee <br />approval carried out as part of the annual budget process. <br />b) Limited interpreter services provided by employees on a rotational basis. <br />i) Departments with bi-lingual employees, who have demonstrated fluency, may <br />participate in an interpreter pool. <br />ii) Employees may be scheduled during certain hours of the week to receive calls from <br />any County department needing interpreter assistance. This would be particularly <br />advantageous to departments with infrequent interpreter needs. <br />iii) Call lists could be available on the Intranet so a Department needing interpreter service <br />could easily access help while the caller was on the line. <br />iv) In order to experience the least amount of disruption in their regular job duties, <br />employees assigned to offices (as opposed to field personnel) would be most effective <br />in this capacity. <br />v) Departments may with County Manager approval offer incentives to employees <br />who participate in the interpreter pool when it is not a part of their primary duties. <br /> <br />2) Independent contractors. <br /> <br />a) Interpreters would be expected to execute a contract with the County prior to being used <br />for interpreter services. <br />b) Interpreters must prove competency to the County’s satisfaction prior to being included on <br />the list of available service providers. <br />c) A list of interpreters who may be willing/able to provide interpreter services is centrally <br />maintained. <br />d) Departments needing interpreter services may consult the list and schedule the interpreter <br />as needed. <br /> <br />3) Telephone Interpreter Services. (Such as the AT & T service) <br /> <br />a) The Department of Emergency Management has established an account for interpreter <br />services through AT & T and makes it available to any County department who may choose <br />to utilize it. Departments desiring to utilize the service should seek information in advance <br />from Dinah Jeffries, Emergency Management Department at 968-2050. <br />15