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Approved December 11, 2001  <br />4. Staff Training. All employees expected to implement the language assistance initiatives set <br />out in this Plan should be knowledgeable about (1) the nature and scope of language assistance <br />services and resources available through their department, and (2) the procedures through which <br />they may access those services to assist in the discharge of their respective duties. Each <br />department subject to this Plan will develop a plan and a timetable for the implementation of <br />following actions with respect to staff training: <br />1. Employees whose routine duties include interactions with the public will be <br />provided with written information on the scope and nature of available or planned <br />language assistance services and the specific procedures through which such <br />services can be accessed at the employee’s work location. <br />2. Each department (or, as appropriate, sub-unit) will develop and incorporate into <br />new employee orientation and/or training programs a module on the nature and <br />scope of language assistance services and the specific procedures through which <br />each employee can access those services. <br />5. Outreach. LEP individuals in need of language assistance services should have <br />reasonable notice of the availability of such services. Each department with significant <br />LEP contacts should undertake appropriate written and oral outreach efforts designed to <br />alert LEP communities and individuals as to the nature, scope, and availability of the <br />language assistance services set out in this Plan. In the area of outreach, each component <br />subject to this Plan will take the following actions: <br /> Where documents are available in languages other than English, the English version will <br />include a notice of such availability translated into every language in which the document <br />is available. <br /> Where documents are available for viewing or downloading through a component web <br />page in languages other than English, a tag indicating such availability in each of the <br />languages will be included on each web page. <br /> To the maximum extent possible, departments will strive to inform stakeholder <br />organizations regarding the nature and scope of available language assistance services <br />through appropriate oral and written means. <br /> 6. Monitoring. Language assistance plans should be periodically reassessed to ensure that the <br />scope and nature of language assistance services provided under the plan reflect updated <br />information on relevant LEP populations, their language assistance needs, and the Departments <br />experience under the plan. Over the next twelve months, each Department subject to this Plan <br />will take the following actions to monitor the effectiveness of its language assistance initiatives <br />and assess the possible need for enhancements or modifications to those initiatives: <br />1. By the end of the third quarter of every fiscal year, each Department will advise HRR on <br />the approaches to be used to assess Department activities under this Plan. <br />2. By the end of the fiscal year, each Department will submit to HRR the results of its <br />assessment of its activities under this Plan, together with any proposed modifications to <br />this Plan. Each subsequent year, the Department will report the results of its assessment <br />of its activities under this Plan within the framework of such reporting mechanisms, as it <br />deems appropriate. <br />12