Orange County NC Website
`~ <br />It is the Board's intention that the County should issue the maximum amount <br />of bonds referred to in Section 1 above, and as many of the Refunding Bonds as <br />are necessary and appropriate to carry out the planned refunding. The Finance <br />Officer, however, in consultation with the County Manager and the LGC, may <br />approve the issuance of lesser (but not greater) amounts of Referendum Bonds for <br />any of the stated purposes. The Finance Officer is also authorized and directed to <br />determine the final aggregate principal amount of Refunding Bonds to be issued, <br />up to the $35,000,000 authorized maximum. <br />The Finance Officer will execute a certificate prior to the initial delivery of <br />the Bonds designating the final principal amount of bonds to be issued for each <br />purpose, the principal payment schedule for the Bonds and the principal and <br />interest payment dates for the Bonds. This certificate will be conclusive evidence <br />of the Finance Officer's approval and determination of such matters. <br />4. Pledge of Faitl:, Credit a~:d Taxii:g Power -- The County's full faith <br />and credit are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of the principal of and <br />interest on the Bonds. Unless other funds are lawfully available and appropriated <br />for timely payment of the Bonds, the County will levy and collect an annual ad <br />valorem tax, without restriction as to rate or amount, on all locally taxable property <br />in the County sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on the Bonds as the <br />same become due. <br />5. Approval of Official Statement for Offering - the Bonds will be <br />offered for sale pursuant to an official statement (the "Official Statement") relating <br />to the Bonds in such form as the Finance Officer and County Manager, in <br />consultation with the LGC, may deternine. This Official Statement shall be in a <br />form substantially similar to the form of such documents as previously used by the <br />County for prior sales of general obligation bonds. The Official Statement must <br />have all appropriate updating of infornration and such other changes as may be <br />necessary or appropriate to provide for such Official Statement to be accurate and <br />complete in all material respects given its intended use in the marketing of the <br />County's bonds. <br />The Board acknowledges that it is the County's responsibility to ensure that <br />the Official Statement, ili its final form, neither contains an untrue statement of a <br />material fact nor omits to state a material fact required to be included therein for <br />the purpose for which such Official Statement is to be used or necessary to make <br />the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, <br />not misleading, By the adoption of this resolution, the Board members <br />aclrnowledge and accept their responsibility for causing the County to fulfill these <br />responsibilities for the Official Statement. <br />