Orange County NC Website
I3 <br />17. Call of Prior Bonds for Redemption -The Board authorizes and <br />directs the Finance Officer to make, on the County's behalf, an irrevocable call for <br />redemption of such of the County's general obligation Public Improvement Bonds, <br />Series 2000A and 2000B, as the Finance Officer (after consultation with the LCC) <br />deems beneficial to the County. The Finance Officer will make this call for <br />redemption by the execution and delivery of an appropriate certificate in <br />connection with the original delivery of the Refunding Bonds, <br />I8. Misce[lar:eous Provisions -- All County officers and employees are <br />authorized and directed to take all such further action as they may consider <br />necessary or desirable in connection with the furtherance of the purposes of this <br />resolution. All such prior actions of County officers and employees are ratified, <br />approved and confirmed. Upon the absence, unavailability or refusal to cat of the <br />Chair or the Finance Officer, the County Manager may assume any responsibility <br />or carry out any function assigned to the Chair or the Finance Officer in this <br />resolution All other resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this resolution are <br />repealed, to the extent of the conflict. This resolution takes effect inunediately. <br />