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8 <br /> <br />Board from keeping funds separate, as everyone has the same goal and is working together. 1 <br />She said the towns may have needs that the County does not know about, or best know how to 2 <br />handle. 3 <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said she recommended this methodology because they have 4 <br />always used it. She said if any of the funds are spent on ineligible uses, the State would 5 <br />require all local entities to repay the funds, and possibly lose out on future funding. 6 <br /> Commissioner McKee said the BOCC should stay within the recommended allocation, 7 <br />as it is a well-known practice. 8 <br /> Commissioner McKee said for County staff to work closely with town staffs to make sure 9 <br />the funds are spent appropriately. 10 <br />Gary Donaldson said he would send out the information about the ad valorem option to 11 <br />Board tomorrow, as he only has numbers from years past, which are about 3-4% higher than 12 <br />per capita. 13 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos suggested approving this tonight, and the per capita is what 14 <br />has been used historically. He said it is fair and equal. 15 <br /> Chair Rich said the County has been working closely with the towns, and this proposal is 16 <br />not a surprise to anyone. She said the plan is the most important thing. She said Durham 17 <br />asked for input from Orange County, and will likely use Orange County’s methodology as a 18 <br />template to move forward. 19 <br /> Chair Rich asked Commissioner Dorosin if he was willing to vote without exact ad 20 <br />valorem numbers from Gary Donaldson. 21 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said yes he was willing to vote. 22 <br /> Gary Donaldson said he would get the ad valorem information to the Board for 23 <br />informational purposes. 24 <br /> 25 <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The State has allocated $2,665,753 to the County for eligible COVID-19 26 <br />expenses. 27 <br /> 28 <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to 29 <br />receive the summary report and approve an appropriate CRF Funding Plan for submittal by the 30 <br />June 1, 2020 deadline. 31 <br /> 32 <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS 33 <br /> 34 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Commissioner Bedford’s comments were well taken, and 35 <br />there may be times when the Board wants to revisit the per capita allocation methodology. He 36 <br />petitioned this discussion for a future work session. He said it is not about short changing the 37 <br />towns, but rather make sure the countywide services are funded. 38 <br /> 39 <br />c. Release of the 2020 Orange County Affordable Housing Bond Program 40 <br />Application 41 <br /> The Board considered voting to authorize the release of the 2020 Orange County 42 <br />Affordable Housing Bond Program Application materials on June 8, 2020. 43 <br /> 44 <br />BACKGROUND: 45 <br />In the fall 2016, the Board of Commissioners approved a $5 million Affordable Housing Bond. 46 <br />Half of the bond funds ($2.5 million) were awarded in 2017. This application is for the remaining 47 <br />$2.5 million of the bond funds. 48