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20 <br /> <br />said he has no problem with the County subsiding these costs, just as it does with many other 1 <br />needs in the County, such as affordable housing. 2 <br />Robert Williams said Commissioner McKee received bad information from one of his 3 <br />employees. He said the items Commissioner McKee brought to the SWCC were allowable 4 <br />(couch, chair, tires, etc.). He said these items are not C&D, and for staff to whisper that in his 5 <br />ear was not fair. He said they are trying to correct these inconsistencies by educating his staff. 6 <br />Commissioner McKee said he has heard from many residents on this topic over the past 7 <br />months. He said perhaps there should be a specific roll off container for C&D waste only, which 8 <br />can be taken to the C&D landfill. 9 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos reiterated his previous point that residents should be allowed 10 <br />to take 6 cubic feet max for C&D; have signage at the SWCC that shows visually what 6 cubic 11 <br />feet are; and state that if one has more C&D waste than this, they should go to the C&D landfill. 12 <br />He said he does think a separate roll on is necessary, but deferred to the expertise of Robert 13 <br />Williams. 14 <br />Commissioner Price said she appreciated the work Robert Williams has done to audit 15 <br />the department and to promote consistency. She agreed with Commissioner Marcoplos’ 16 <br />comments. She said she would like to try and find a way to prevent contractors from using the 17 <br />SWCC. 18 <br />Commissioner McKee said he considers 6 cubic feet to be far too small an amount. 19 <br /> 20 <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price for the 21 <br />Board to: 22 <br /> 23 <br />• Direct Solid Waste staff to present a resolution at an upcoming meeting amending 24 <br />Section 34-40 of the Solid Waste Ordinance, and provide an outline as to how this waste 25 <br />stream will be directed. 26 <br /> 27 <br />Commissioner Dorosin asked if Commissioner McKee’s goal is to permit 4.5 cubic yards 28 <br />of residential C&D waste at the SWCCs. 29 <br />Commissioner McKee said he does not have a specific amount in mind, but feels that 6 30 <br />cubic feet is too low. He said he is open to the discussion. He said the County needs to amend 31 <br />the policy, and should avoid the transportation and costs to Durham, and direct local C&D to its 32 <br />own C&D landfill. He said Orange County should take responsibility for its waste. 33 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said he cannot support a policy that maintains what has been 34 <br />done currently. 35 <br />Commissioner McKee said there is no fault on the part of Robert Williams or his staff 36 <br />and his main concern is to accommodate the residents as much as possible. 37 <br />Commissioner Greene agreed, and said the BOCC is asking, through this motion, for 38 <br />staff to bring something back, and for the BOCC to accommodate residents as best it can. 39 <br /> 40 <br />VOTE: Ayes, 6; Nays, 1 (Chair Rich) C&D should be taken to the C&D Landfill 41 <br /> 42 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said he received a communication from Chief Jeff Cabe, Orange 43 <br />Rural Fire Department, who said his department has traditionally taken its waste to the Walnut 44 <br />Grove SWCC, but was recently told it could no longer do so. He asked if staff could provide 45 <br />some information as relates this, and to follow up with Jeff Cabe and the Orange County Board 46 <br />of Commissioners. 47 <br />Robert Williams said he would look into this. 48 <br /> 49 <br />7. Reports 50