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14 <br /> <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this goes back to a bigger debate of how to get the most 1 <br />housing and community based services with limited funds. He said Commissioner Greene’s 2 <br />suggestion is fine and the very next criteria that is listed gives points to housing that is in an 3 <br />area that is typically underserved, which would address the issue rural needs. He said water 4 <br />and sewer is a similar issue, and it is more expensive to build without water and sewer. He said 5 <br />the costs for housing are not just limited to the house itself. 6 <br /> Commissioner Greene said many options that have been suggested are provided 7 <br />publicly. She said she most strongly objects to the “by the developer” wording as it could be 8 <br />anything, and not really true transportation service, and it may be difficult to enforce. She said 9 <br />she would prefer it to read, “Public transportation to include a bus route, or publically provided 10 <br />on demand service, or equivalent public transportation is accessible.” She agreed with 11 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos’ point about the other advantages to rural living, and the bond funds 12 <br />being voted on by the whole county. 13 <br />Commissioner Dorosin seconded Commissioner Greene’s motion 14 <br /> 15 <br />VOTE: Ayes, 4 (Commissioner Greene, Chair Rich, Commissioner Bedford, 16 <br />Commissioner Dorosin); Nays, 3 (Commissioner McKee, Commissioner Marcoplos, 17 <br />Commissioner Price) 18 <br /> 19 <br /> Commissioner Bedford agreed with Commissioner Dorosin to amend this to include 20 <br />acquisition and rehab to the application, as eligible uses of funds. She said there is no value in 21 <br />cutting off potential projects at this point. She asked Emila Sutton if the process is integrated 22 <br />with the town of Chapel Hill’s process, in order to avoid working in silos. 23 <br /> Emila Sutton said she has spoke with the Town, and Chapel Hill has released their 24 <br />funds first in advance of the County, so that applicants would know if they were receiving 25 <br />Chapel Hill funds in advance of applying to the County. 26 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said knowing how much an applicant may have received from 27 <br />Chapel Hill is important. 28 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said she would like conversation, since the advisory boards are 29 <br />not meeting virtually now. She asked if a full list of the projects would be provided to the 30 <br />BOCC. 31 <br /> Emila Sutton nodded yes. 32 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said when she read about the 20% limit for those with 33 <br />disabilities, she understood where the language was coming from, due the Olmstead act; but 34 <br />she appreciated Emila Sutton adding extra clarification. She said she is excited about this 35 <br />process moving forward. 36 <br /> Chair Rich asked if the BOCC were to include acquisition and rehab into the process, 37 <br />where would it be included in the scoring criteria. She said she thought half of the bond money 38 <br />was going to older construction, and half was going to new, shovel ready projects. 39 <br /> Emila Sutton said she is unfamiliar with the prior conversations, and her department 40 <br />would need to look at this to see if any of the scoring would impact these types of uses. She 41 <br />said, if not, they could just be added as eligible projects. 42 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin referred to page 37, and said the language could be changed to 43 <br />include this uses as eligible projects. He said to take out “ new construction”, or possibly add 44 <br />language there. He said he thinks the scoring construct would remain the same. 45 <br /> Commissioner Price said adding acquisition or rehab would not change anything, but 46 <br />perhaps new language would be needed under project detail activity on page 42, as it has new 47 <br />construction verbiage in there. 48 <br /> Commissioner Greene suggested passing this tonight to add acquisition and rehab, and 49 <br />Emila Sutton could look at the criteria and bring back on the BOCC consent agenda. 50