Agenda - 06-16-20; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 06-16-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 06-16-20; 8-a - Minutes
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6/12/2020 8:54:27 AM
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6/12/2020 8:15:42 AM
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Agenda 06-16-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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13 <br /> <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if, right now, the only eligible use of funds is for new 1 <br />construction. 2 <br /> Emila Sutton said yes. 3 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he would advocate for changing the application to include 4 <br />acquisition and rehab. 5 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said the whole residency issue is tricky and can create legal 6 <br />issues. He said the developers should be encouraged to market to those who live and work in 7 <br />Orange County. He said he would encourage more creative thinking on this issue. 8 <br /> Commissioner Greene agreed completely with Commissioner Dorosin about the 9 <br />residency issue. She said the other point she wanted to make was about the scoring criteria, 10 <br />and specifically public transportation. She said points were added for developments that had 11 <br />access to public transportation, or those that would provide transportation. She said she did not 12 <br />like that option of providing transportation, as it is too vague, and she would like to strike that 13 <br />and just give points to those projects on public transportation (section 5 of scoring criteria, page 14 <br />18) 15 <br /> Chair Rich asked Emila Sutton about this topic. 16 <br /> Commissioner Greene said the BOCC added development provided transportation last 17 <br />year. She said she would prefer that if the development is not on public transportation then it 18 <br />does not get the points. 19 <br /> Commissioner Greene moved to take language out for transportation being provided by 20 <br />the developer. She said this should not earn transportation points. 21 <br /> Commissioner McKee asked, if the verbiage is taken out, would it not eliminate 22 <br />developments being built beyond the bounds of public transportation. 23 <br /> Commissioner Greene said no, as the transportation points are just one area of points. 24 <br />She said a development could get points for other things. 25 <br /> Commissioner McKee said between two close projects, it may make the difference. 26 <br /> Commissioner Greene said it may well be the tipping point, but she feels the project on 27 <br />public transit should get the money. 28 <br /> Commissioner McKee said it is hard to argue against her point, but he does not want to 29 <br />centralize affordable housing in urban corridors. 30 <br /> Commissioner Greene said this is a policy difference between her and Commissioner 31 <br />McKee, and she would like public monies to be used to support development that serves the 32 <br />most people in an environmentally friendly way. 33 <br /> Commissioner McKee said he understands that, but also feels the BOCC has an 34 <br />obligation to support geographical diversity in affordable housing. 35 <br /> Commissioner Greene said the BOCC is talking about creating scoring criteria for 36 <br />limited funding. 37 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said there will soon be an on demand transportation that will 38 <br />go throughout the County, and this should be recognized and addressed somehow in the 39 <br />scoring. 40 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said every resident was able to vote on this bond, and the 41 <br />BOCC needs to envision some projects in the rural areas. He said there may be a 42 <br />development that has a community garden component, which could only be done in a rural 43 <br />setting, and this helps the environment as well. He said there should be opportunity for 44 <br />affordable housing everywhere. 45 <br /> Commissioner Greene said she is not opposed to re-writing the verbiage to add the on 46 <br />demand transportation. 47 <br />Commissioner Price said she had concerns about taking the verbiage out, and there is 48 <br />room for a lot of creativity. 49
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