Orange County NC Website
DRAFT Date Prepared: 05/20/20 <br /> Date Revised: 05/27/20 <br /> Meeting Task Target Person(s) Status <br /> Date Date Responsible <br /> 5/19/20 Provide follow-up information to the Board on what a 6/16/2020 Gary Donaldson DONE <br /> CARES Act allocation to the towns based on ad valorem <br /> taxes paid would look like in comparison to the approved <br /> per ca ita allocation <br /> 5/19/20 Schedule future Board discussion on the County's standard 10/8/2020 Gary Donaldson To be scheduled for fall 2020 <br /> overall framework to allocate funds based on per capita Paul Laughton work session discussion <br /> numbers and the possibility of considering an ad valorem <br /> taxes paid framework <br /> 5/19/20 Conform the 2020 Affordable Housing Bond Application 6/8/2020 Emila Sutton To be conformed and released <br /> form based on BOCC approved revisions and release on <br /> June 8, 2020 <br /> 5/19/20 Pending revisions to the Advisory Board Policy, share the 9/l/2020 Emila Sutton Information to be shared with <br /> 2020 Affordable Housing Bond Application form as well as AHAB for feedback <br /> completed applications with the Affordable Housing <br /> Advisory Board(AHAB) for feedback <br /> 5/19/20 Follow-up on possibility that volunteer fire departments are 7/l/2020 Robert Williams DONE <br /> no longer able to utilize waste and recycling centers for <br /> disposal and share information with BOCC <br /> 5/19/20 Develop draft resolution with options for the Board to 6/16/2020 Robert Williams Resolution with options to be <br /> consider regarding changes to the Solid Waste Ordinance developed and scheduled for <br /> related to construction& demolition waste disposal at waste future Board meeting <br /> and recycling centers/Count landfill <br />