Agenda - 06-02-20; 6-c - Amendments to the Advisory Board Policy
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-02-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 06-02-20; 6-c - Amendments to the Advisory Board Policy
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5/28/2020 4:26:45 PM
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5/28/2020 4:47:21 PM
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Agenda 06-02-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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13 <br /> 2. Subcommittees shall operate by majority vote. <br /> 3. Subcommittees may request a technical representative be approved by the County <br /> Manager. <br /> 4. Subcommittees shall operate openly as defined by applicable North Carolina State <br /> law and local ordinances and policies. <br /> 5. Membership on subcommittees shall be voluntary unless the specific advisory board <br /> policy dictates otherwise. <br /> SECTION VIII. QUORUM AND VOTING <br /> A. Quorum <br /> 1. A quorum for a meeting of an advisory board and any subcommittee thereof shall <br /> consist of a majority of the number of appointed members. Vacant positions are <br /> not counted when determining if a quorum is present. <br /> 2. Members who telese,nfere.neet theremotely attend a meeting may net <br /> counted present for purposes of a quorum. <br /> B. Voting <br /> 1. Unless otherwise required by law, all decisions shall be reached by a simple majority <br /> vote. <br /> 2. All voting will be conducted in open meetings, except when in closed session where <br /> such closed session is permitted by North Carolina law. <br /> 3. No issues can be voted upon unless a quorum is present. <br /> 4. Only appointed members can vote at advisory board meetings. <br /> 5. Appointed members shall not delegate their vote to another member. <br /> 6. The Chair of the advisory board may participate and vote on all issues. <br /> 7. Voting by proxy is not authorized and shall not be allowed. <br /> 8. Members may not abstain from voting but where a member has a conflict of <br /> interest the member may be excused by majority vote of the advisory board. <br /> 9. Members of advisory boards must be physieally-present to vote. Presence may be <br /> accomplished through remote attendance or physical attendance. <br /> 10. Individuals appointed as ex officio members of the advisory board are not <br /> authorized to vote on any issue before the advisory board. <br /> SECTION IX. ETHICS <br /> A. This section also applies to the Board of Adiustment, Board of Equalization and Review, and <br /> Animal Services Hearing Panel. <br /> A.B.Conflict of Interest <br /> 1. During advisory board meetings, a member shall immediately disclose any potential <br /> conflict of interest and request to be excused from voting when he or she has a <br /> conflict of interest. <br /> 2. During appeal proceedings, the applicant has the right to question the interest of <br /> any voting member. The advisory board chair should consult with the County <br /> Attorney or staff attorney on any potential conflict of interest in appeal matters. <br /> 3. In determining from existing facts and circumstances whether a conflict of interest <br /> exists the determining party shall consider the facts and circumstances as would an <br /> Adopted 2-21 12;Amended 8-21-12;Amended 11-8-12;Amended 3-3-15;Amended 6-18-19 <br />
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