Orange County NC Website
RECC[VGD FROM LIZ BROWN O <br />06/17/05 ~"' <br />2. What percentage of this type of land is in the CHCCS district? <br />3, How many acres of land within the OCS district are protected (pulled off the tax <br />rolls) for OWASA, (or for the city's water supply), including all of the Cane <br />Greek Reservoir? <br />4, What does this mean in tax dollars that are uncollectible? <br />5. How many acres of land in the CHCCS district aze protected (withdrawn from tax <br />rolls) for OWASA? <br />6. How many acres of land in CHCCS is non-tax-paying, university owned? <br />7. How many such university-owned acres are in the OCS district? <br />8. How many OCS district households use water from OWASA? <br />9. What is the value of water preserved for OWASA, within the OCS district? What <br />would it take to compensate the OCS dishict for this water and this land <br />designated in watershed protection? <br />Tax Bases: County Government land and buildings <br />1. How many acres in the OCS district are set aside (non tax-paying) for county <br />and/or city govenunent works? (e.g., courts, landfill, public works, etc.) <br />2. How many in the CHCCS district? <br />Tax Bases: Land-Use planning <br />1. How many acres in the OCS district are limited by 1-, 5-, or 10-acre (or other <br />size) restrictions? <br />2. Same question for land in the CHCCS district? <br />3. How many acres, or what percentage of total, in rural buffer reside in the OCS <br />district? <br />4. What percentage (or number of acres) lies within the CHCCS district? <br />5. What are the coral buffer restrictions? (Are they lot size, or prohibition against <br />running water and sewer lines, or what specifically?) <br />6. What is the estimated tax impact on both districts, to restrict this land from <br />development? (How much land is taxed at alower-than-market rate because of <br />these restrictions?) <br />7, Which governing bodies set the rules for the coral buffer? <br />8. What would it take to lift the restrictions from the rural buffer in the OCS district? <br />9. What would it take to eliminate lot-size requirements in the OCS district? <br />General questions <br />1. What areas within Orange County, other than schools, are treated separately? For <br />example, are there separate public works departments for different sections of the <br />county, or separate fre or sheriff protection? Are northern and southern areas of <br />the county treated as distinct when it comes to funding parks, or senior centers, <br />libraries, etc? <br />2, What percentage of county commissioners resides in the OCS district? <br />3. What percentage of members on the county's planning board resides in the OCS <br />district? How are these members assigned to the board? Elected or appointed, and <br />by whom? <br />