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28 <br /> 1 The District has identified the need to create an additional thirteen classes in the kindergarten to <br /> 2 third-grade levels to meet the requirements of North Carolina House Bill 90. Chapel Hill — <br /> 3 Carrboro City Schools has historically maintained a teacher assistant per classroom in the <br /> 4 kindergarten to third-grade levels. It is recommended to hire an additional thirteen teacher <br /> 5 assistants to serve with the new classes. By using an average teacher assistant salary and <br /> 6 matching benefits cost, the estimated cost incurred will be about $488,000. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Remove Supplement Cap on Certified Employees <br /> 9 (Strategic Plan Goal: Employee Experience) <br /> 10 Certified staff hired after July 1, 2016, who had several years of teaching experience, were no <br /> 11 longer eligible to earn a higher supplement percentage, 20% or 25%. We have identified the <br /> 12 employees who are part of that cohort of employees and determined that it would cost the <br /> 13 District about $166,000 in additional local funds to provide the higher supplement rate to those <br /> 14 certified staff members. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Parental Leave and/or FMLA <br /> 17 (Strategic Plan Goal: Employee Experience) <br /> 18 Parental leave would provide multiple important benefits for our employees, their families, and <br /> 19 children. Providing paid parental leave will assist the District in enhancing the employee <br /> 20 experience. Parental leave supports parent-child bonding, improves children's outcomes, and <br /> 21 may increase gender equity in the workplace. Historical data was used to determine an average <br /> 22 of 75 employees annually were on FLMA for the birth of a child or adoption. We recommend <br /> 23 providing parental leave supplemental income for up to six weeks at 100%. This will help the <br /> 24 District provide a competitive benefit to attract and retain our teaching staff. Using the historical <br /> 25 data, the estimated cost incurred from this benefit would be $568,000. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 2 Days Paid Salary for Inclement Weather <br /> 28 (Strategic Plan Goal: Employee Experience) <br /> 29 In the last few years, the District has repeatedly encountered closings due to inclement weather <br /> 30 such as hurricanes, snow, and flooding. This request would fund two full days of salaries for all <br /> 31 10-month employed staff(teachers, teacher assistants, child nutrition, and transportation) in the <br /> 32 event of future closures. The cost incurred would be $360,000. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Expansion Summary <br /> 35 The total of these Expansion Request items is $4,642,500, which is about $377 per pupil. <br /> 36 Through our work with strategic plan alignment, along with a focus on providing some flexibility <br /> 37 in resource allocation, we feel we can further maximize the District's resources in more targeted <br /> 38 efforts. This will allow for each school to meet their unique needs and align with their school <br /> 39 improvement plans. Supporting our student's needs, and fostering an improved employee <br /> 40 experience through additional benefits, the CHCCS Board of Education respectively ask the <br /> 41 county for funding related to the above expansion items. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Fund Balance <br /> 44 We currently estimate our fiscal year end unassigned fund balance at $12.1 million. This is <br /> 45 approximately $7.9 million above our minimum target of 5.5% or$4.2 million. The District <br /> 46 historically has assigned $1 million to balance the current local operating budget. Over the past <br /> 47 few years, that amount has varied as the Board and District has appropriated funds for capital <br /> 48 projects as well as dealing with compression in the classified salary schedules. We recommend <br /> 49 appropriating $1,968,500. <br /> 50 <br /> 51 Summary FY 2020-21 Budget Request <br />