Agenda - 05-19-20; 8-a - Minutes
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-19-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-19-20; 8-a - Minutes
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5/14/2020 8:41:33 PM
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5/14/2020 9:04:41 PM
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25 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee asked if the BOEs can pare down their figures. He said everyone <br /> 2 will need to make some hard decisions, as he cannot, in good conscience, ask the taxpayers of <br /> 3 the County to pay a sizeable tax increase. <br /> 4 Rani Dasi said usually the process is that the BOCC comes back with a recommended <br /> 5 budget, and the conversations continue from there. <br /> 6 Commissioner McKee said he wants to work in a partnership process to reach a number <br /> 7 that is reasonable, manageable and equitable. He said the current requests are not <br /> 8 manageable. He said the BOEs are elected officials, and he would not presume to direct them. <br /> 9 Rani Dasi said maybe guidance from Orange County would be helpful, because even if <br /> 10 the schools came back with their budgets cut it half; it may not be very helpful. She said there is <br /> 11 such a chasm between the needs and the available resources. <br /> 12 Chair Rich said the Manager's recommended budget will be presented May 51", and an <br /> 13 entirely new budget has been created due to Covid-19. She said the BOCC found out today <br /> 14 that Orange County tourism lost $2.8 million in March, and will lose twice that much in April. <br /> 15 She said over 19,000 are out of work in the service industries. She said the BOCC is meeting <br /> 16 with the Manager, and will receive her budget next week. She said Commissioner McKee is <br /> 17 asking the BOEs to work out how to scale back, and try their best to support children while <br /> 18 realizing the financial reality of the pandemic. She said this crisis is not a matter of months, but <br /> 19 will effect years to come. She said the BOCC cannot ask residents to pay a sizeable tax <br /> 20 increase. <br /> 21 Rani Dasi said she appreciates the financial reality, but the bare minimum CHCCS can <br /> 22 present is likely its continuation budget, so it may be helpful for the BOCC to provide some <br /> 23 further guidance. <br /> 24 Commissioner McKee said it will be clear what the Board is expecting after the May 5tn <br /> 25 meeting. He said this evening he and Chair Rich are just expressing their opinions. <br /> 26 Amy Fowler echoed Rani Dasi's comments, and said the BOE is prepared to make <br /> 27 adjustments, but it does not make sense to do so until the BOCC has issued its recommended <br /> 28 budget. <br /> 29 Chair Rich said it is important for the school districts to understand that the financial <br /> 30 deficits are real, and no one is clear how this crisis is going to end. She said no one is pointing <br /> 31 fingers, but rather working together to move the process forward. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 CHCCS Budget Background <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Student Data <br /> 36 We always begin our budget process by carefully considering our enrollment projections. State <br /> 37 enrollment projections ultimately determine both State and local funding levels. For this request, <br /> 38 the District is using an enrollment projection of 12,312 that was provided by the North Carolina <br /> 39 Department of Public Instruction. The estimated enrollment is expected to increase by five <br /> 40 students over the 2019-2020 levels. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Revenues <br /> 43 We estimate additional revenue growth of$225,000, consisting of$75,000 in fines and <br /> 44 forfeitures, as well as $25,000 in projected increase to interest revenue, and an anticipated <br /> 45 increase in our miscellaneous revenues of$125,000 <br /> 46 <br /> 47 Continuation Budget Requests <br /> 48 The Board of Education recommends the continuation budget to include anticipated State salary <br /> 49 increases for teachers and other public-school employees, costs related to matching employer <br /> 50 benefits, and operational costs. Due to the renovations at Chapel Hill High School, the square <br /> 51 footage will increase; therefore, operational costs for 2020-2021 will increase. Due to the current <br />
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