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12 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee asked if, given the presentation from Bonnie Hammersley, and <br /> 2 knowing that this situation has been going on for awhile, and that County revenue reductions <br /> 3 are expected, did OCS consider these factors when putting together this budget request. He <br /> 4 said a 2-cent increase would be required just to cover the OCS budget. <br /> 5 OCS Chair Atherton said OCS did not have the Manager's outlook on funding when <br /> 6 creating this budget, although OCS was aware of potential issues. He said OCS went through <br /> 7 each item and reduced its original budget. He said OCS has to pass a budget much earlier than <br /> 8 tonight's meeting, and OCS created this budget not knowing where the County was budget- <br /> 9 wise. <br /> 10 OCS Chair Atherton said it is not surprising to see the County's budget numbers. <br /> 11 Commissioner McKee said he appreciates the fact that the school boards have to <br /> 12 develop their budgets before this time, but there needs to be more discussion on these budgets, <br /> 13 given the current situation. <br /> 14 Chair Rich said she appreciated OCS going back and doing a post Covid-19 <br /> 15 assessment to bring down its budget for this meeting tonight. She said this current situation is <br /> 16 far worse than the recession 10 years ago. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price asked for more clarification on the food distribution, and said it is <br /> 18 her understanding that all elementary kids get meals, with no questions asked. She asked if <br /> 19 there is a plan to pay for this going forward. <br /> 20 Chair Rich said they have had these discussions at the EOC with the schools. <br /> 21 OCS Chair Atherton said OCS was seeing increases in general food distribution, not just <br /> 22 daily distributions. He said elementary children are free, but middle and high school are not. <br /> 23 Rhonda Rath said OCS has the universal breakfast program for all elementary kids. <br /> 24 She said for the other foods, OCS has subsidies from the USDA and federal government, and <br /> 25 OCS has received enough subsidies to support the food and reduce costs to the students. <br /> 26 Rhonda Rath with regard to the other meals, such as snacks, there are some students <br /> 27 that do not get them, because they did not apply for the universal breakfasts. She said OCS is <br /> 28 aware of some needy children only due to hard won relationships between the school social <br /> 29 workers/counselors and families. She said a lot of the food services OCS is offering, due to <br /> 30 Covid-19, are being covered by reimbursements. She said donations are coming in from the <br /> 31 community to purchase supplemental foods. <br /> 32 Commissioner Price asked if she could have more information about the all the food <br /> 33 being provided, how much is funded federally, by the state, donations, etc. <br /> 34 OCS Chair Atherton said OCS has universal breakfast, but not lunch for elementary, and <br /> 35 there is nothing universal for middle or high schools. He said OCS does get donations from the <br /> 36 community to pay off accounts, and OCS sees this throughout the year. <br /> 37 Chair Rich said it might be difficult to get statistics on the food donation sources. <br /> 38 Commissioner Price said she is just interested in what affects the school budget. <br /> 39 Commissioner Bedford praised the OCS budget for being organized around what <br /> 40 benefits its students (literacy, culture, equity), and noted that OCS has only asked for things that <br /> 41 would help its students, but the County is facing an austere budget. <br /> 42 Commissioner Bedford asked if, when available, OCS would please share what its <br /> 43 projected fund balance will be at June 30, and how that compares to the required percentage, or <br /> 44 the policy percentage. She said she would like to know how much OCS appropriates from its <br /> 45 fund balance into its budget. She said CHCCS usually appropriates around $1 million. She <br /> 46 said this will help her understand OCS' flexibility. <br /> 47 Rhonda Rath said the OCS projected unassigned fund balance is $2.8 million, and pre- <br /> 48 Covid-19 that was hoping to increase 500,000-700,000. <br /> 49 Rhonda Rath said OCS does not appropriate unassigned fund balance to balance their <br /> 50 budget for recurring items. <br /> 51 Chair Rich asked if OCS has a plan in place if school does not start on time in the fall. <br />