Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> COVID-19 Student Education Support 250,000 31 <br /> Inclement Weather Days 150,000 18 <br /> Teacher Assistant Workdays 82,500 10 <br /> School Counselors (2) 138,000 17 <br /> Academically/Intellectually Gifted teachers 160,000 20 <br /> PreK Dual Language 40,000 5 <br /> Translator 80,000 10 <br /> Social Emotional Coordinator 74,100 9 <br /> Directory of Literacy 105,500 13 <br /> Equity Facilitators 142,000 17 <br /> Maintenance Technicians 192,000 24 <br /> Total Expansion Budget 1,414,100 173 <br /> Total Per Pupil increase $321 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Superintendents Budget Request - chart <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Commissioner Greene referred to the Director of Literacy position, and clarified that this <br /> 5 position existed previously, went away, and is now being requested again. She asked if this is <br /> 6 one person for the whole district, how does this person accomplish their work, and what <br /> 7 difference has been seen in OCS without the existence of this position. <br /> 8 Superintendent Felder said she does not know how the position was leveraged in <br /> 9 Orange County, but it has been leveraged in other districts in which she has worked. She said <br /> 10 with the current data in OCS, someone with expertise and focus in literacy is needed to build a <br /> 11 capacity of school based literacy leaders throughout the district. She said OCS has two literacy <br /> 12 facilitators, but as shown in the data, this has to be OCS' focus, in order to find the reasons <br /> 13 behind the existence of this data. <br />