Orange County NC Website
ao <br />Summaries by program (In-Town and Rural Curbside) of the tonnages of all materials . <br />recovered by material type. <br />Program data reports for the month of September 2001 (or other mutually agreed upon <br />month) must be based on the actual weigh of each material collected far each program <br />operated by Contractor far County. 'For this month Contractor must separately collect and <br />process materials from the different programs (Rural Curbside, In-Town Curbside, and the <br />Multifamily Recycling Program). Contractor must provide County with copies of all <br />weight tickets for materials collected /marketed during this month. Said weight tickets <br />must clearly identify which recycling program generated the materials (Rural Curbside, In- <br />Town Curbside, or Multifamily). Contractor will receive cooperation of County in order to <br />assist Contractor's efforts to gather this data. County will make final determination as to <br />whether the collected data is acceptable. County will not unreasonably withhold approval <br />of data that can be attributed to the individual recycling programs and is verifiably accurate. <br />If Contractor does not produce satisfactory, accurate, and verifiable data by individual <br />program for this month, County may deduct a $1,000 penalty from the invoice for payment <br />for services for the month in question. Further, failure to produce data for the month in <br />question will obligate Contractor to provide programmatic data under conditions stipulated <br />by County; <br />ii. Resident participation rates. <br />For In-Town Curbside this will be provided in terms of weekly household set-out counts. <br />The set-out counts shall be broken down by the three Towns. <br />For Rural Curbside this will be provided in terms of daily household. set-out count, by <br />route, and by overall average monthly set-out rate. The set-out counts shall be broken <br />down by routes (Information on the number of households serviced on each Rural <br />Recycling Route will be provided to Contractor by County); <br />iii. Summaries of the total truck hours required to for the In-Town Curbside collection vehicles <br />to collect, transport, and unload the recyclable materials; <br />iv. Monthly productivity calculation shown in units of homes collected per truck hour (as <br />defined in Section 4, Performance Sharing); and <br />v. Description of program progress, including any collection complaints or other problems <br />encountered and how they were resolved. <br />e) Contractor shall provide an annual costs and revenues report. At a minimum the report shall <br />include: <br />A summary of operation and maintenance costs for the collection of recyclable materials as <br />governed by this Contract; <br />ii. Processing costs by material; <br />iii. Summarized revenue information from monthly reports; <br />iv. A discussion of any public awareness activities and their impact on participation and <br />recovered volumes; and <br />