Agenda - 05-05-20; 8-e - Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-05-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-05-20; 8-e - Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
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4/30/2020 1:55:15 PM
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4/30/2020 2:08:34 PM
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Agenda 05-05-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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9 <br /> [Page 67.Orange County.Nq <br /> the entity provides. 3 - Comments: Good highlight of the impact the capital expenditures will have on <br /> current and future operations of the government;a brief narrative would be useful. <br /> F10. Mandatory. The document shall include financial data on current debt obligations, describe <br /> the relationship between current debt levels and legal debt limits, and explain the effects of <br /> existing debt levels on current operations. 3 - Comments: Good discussion of debt policy, debt <br /> obligations, and payment schedule; would be useful to highlight a little on legal debt limit and also on the <br /> effect the existing debt levels have on current operations of the government. <br /> Departmental Information <br /> 03. Mandatory. A schedule or summary table of personnel or position counts for prior, current <br /> and budgeted years shall be provided. 3 - Comments: Good summary ofposition counts;covers the <br /> requisiteyears. <br /> 04. Mandatory. The document shall describe activities, services or functions carried out by <br /> organizational units. 3 - Comments: Good summary of activities, services, and functions, as carried <br /> out by various units of the government. <br /> 05. The document should include clearly stated goals and objectives of organizational units (e.g., <br /> departments, divisions, offices or programs). 3 - Comments: Good discussion of mission,goals <br /> and objectives. <br /> 06. The document should provide objective measures of progress toward accomplishing the <br /> government's mission as well as goals and objectives for specific units and programs. 3 - <br /> Comments: Good summary ofperformance measures;covers requisiteyears. <br /> Document-wide Criteria <br /> C3. The document should include statistical and supplemental data that describe the <br /> organization, its community, and population. It should also furnish other pertinent <br /> background information related to the services provided. 3 - Comments: Good supplementary <br /> information about the government and the communities they serve. <br /> C4. A glossary should be included for any terminology (including abbreviations and acronyms) <br /> that is not readily understandable to a reasonably informed lay reader. 4 - Comments: The <br /> glossary of terms is good;nice and clear. <br /> C5. Charts and graphs should be used, where appropriate, to highlight financial and statistical <br /> information. Narrative interpretation should be provided when the messages conveyed by <br /> the graphs are not self-evident. 3 - Comments: Good use of narratives, tables, and schedules. <br /> C6. The document should be produced and formatted in such a way as to enhance its <br /> understanding by the average reader. It should be attractive, consistent, and oriented to the <br /> reader's needs. 3 - Comments: Good document, overall;simple and ea y to follow. <br />
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