Agenda - 05-05-20; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 05-05-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-05-20; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda 05-05-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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12 <br /> <br />Travis Myren said he wanted to confirm the two points to include in creating the grant 1 <br />report: the signage showing wattage, energy savings, education signage, etc.; and the County’s 2 <br />on-going participation and on-going reporting by Brennan Bouma (per Chair Rich) 3 <br />Travis Myren asked if an annual review of the projects, how they have performed over 4 <br />time, would be sufficient. 5 <br />Chair Rich said everything the County spends this ¼ cent tax on should be measured. 6 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos referred to page 8, and read the following: “The rooftop solar 7 <br />projects proposed for each school district is proposed to work through a grant to provide the 8 <br />schools with flexibility while preserving the ability of the County to track progress and impact.” 9 <br />He said this says the grantee must provide a reference of sharing information in a report. 10 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said it is the Climate Council’s practice that everyone at the 11 <br />table is sharing information about their projects, and it is important to learn collectively. 12 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said suggested that a quarterly report come back on all of these 13 <br />projects, such as weatherizations. 14 <br />Commissioner Dorosin reflected on the process of this particular issue. He said two 15 <br />weeks ago the schools did not want these projects, and now the schools have reviewed and 16 <br />accepted the projects. He said the process worked very well. 17 <br />Chair Rich said the timeframe was good. 18 <br />Commissioner McKee said he has no doubt the solar projects will be beneficial in the 19 <br />long run, but he did have an issue with the process. He said he believed the Board could have 20 <br />addressed, and reduced, school capital projects already in the queue that have equal climate 21 <br />value, thus killing two birds with one stone. He said the Board set an expectation and backed 22 <br />the schools in a corner, and he does not blame the schools for taking the project at this point, if 23 <br />the alternative was to refuse it and complete no projects. He said he will vote against this item. 24 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said Commissioner McKee’s characterization of the process was 25 <br />not accurate. He said if the schools had other projects, the Board invited the schools to submit 26 <br />them to the Board for evaluation. 27 <br />Commissioner Bedford said she is glad there is going to be a subcommittee to work on 28 <br />the process of how projects are bought forward in the future. 29 <br />Chair Rich said there is a difference between efficiency projects and climate mitigation 30 <br />projects. She said the solar panels project is a climate mitigation project, which is what the tax 31 <br />is for. 32 <br />Commissioner Marcoplos said it is his understanding that every school board member 33 <br />voted in favor of these projects. 34 <br />Commissioner McKee said he has had off line conversations with the school board 35 <br />members, and he stands by his comments and vote. 36 <br />Commissioner Dorosin said this process started in January, and not two weeks ago. He 37 <br />said if Commissioner McKee has other information he should share it in the BOCC meetings, as 38 <br />it would be good to know. 39 <br />Commissioner Price said she had conversations with school board members and chairs, 40 <br />who initially felt out of the loop on this project, but now all seem to be on the same page. She 41 <br />said she is glad the process will be reviewed. 42 <br />Chair Rich said this project was discussed at school collaboration months ago, and the 43 <br />schools had more than two weeks. 44 <br />Commissioner McKee said he had conversations with school board members, and he 45 <br />feels the two-week notice did back the schools into a corner. He said individual school board 46 <br />members did not know details about these projects, nor did their staff. He said County staff 47 <br />should have done a better job of raising it up the seniority ladder. 48 <br /> 49
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