Agenda - 05-05-20; 8-a - Minutes
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Agenda - 05-05-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 05-05-20; 8-a - Minutes
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4/30/2020 1:51:21 PM
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4/30/2020 1:33:05 PM
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Agenda 05-05-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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3 <br /> <br />be taking more than a wheelbarrow of household of C&D. He asked if he could receive more 1 <br />information on hours and what the SWCCs will accept. 2 <br /> Commissioner Price said many thanks to all who are caring for each other. 3 <br /> Commissioner Price said the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners 4 <br />(NCACC) and National Association of Counties (NACo) are lobbying for counties to get direct 5 <br />funding during this pandemic, as opposed of the funding going through the state. 6 <br /> Commissioner Price said the Chamber of Commerce is doing what it can to help small 7 <br />businesses apply for loans. 8 <br /> Commissioner Price said the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has an item on 9 <br />the ABC Board in its Information Items, and Commissioner Dorosin, not her, is now the Board 10 <br />representative to the ABC Board. She said when the Board receives reports from the ABC 11 <br />Board, she would also like to know the requested fund amounts versus the amounts that are 12 <br />received. 13 <br /> Commissioner Price said she solicited information from Steve Brantley, Economic 14 <br />Development Director, about how local farmers are doing and they seem to be doing quite well. 15 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he and Chair Rich met with Sig Hutchinson from the 16 <br />Wake County Orange County Board of Commissioners about greenways, as well as and 17 <br />Charles Flynn, Owner, Greenways, Inc. He said many municipalities have signed a resolution 18 <br />committing to connect intelligently with other greenways, which he would like the BOCC to 19 <br />support as well. He said he will send the resolution to staff. 20 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos referenced the community garden grant program, and said 21 <br />the County should re-publicize it. He said he would like a report on this grant and its success. 22 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he had a petition and two reports. 23 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he thought the Board should consider an Orange County 24 <br />Centralized Recovery Office, with a dedicated staff person to head it up to coordinate all of the 25 <br />recovery efforts: tracking funds, prioritization of funds, etc. that will be made over the next 6-12 26 <br />months. He said this could be useful for the County and for residents, and serve as a one- stop 27 <br />shop. He suggested issuing Orange County recovery bonds: low interest yield bonds one 28 <br />would buy from the County, and all the resources would go into these recovery funds. He said 29 <br />this would need to be done quickly, and would be similar to war bonds. He said staff would 30 <br />need to find out legally if the County can do this. 31 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he attended an ABC Board meeting today, and a question 32 <br />was raised as to when the BOCC will be making appointments to the ABC Board. 33 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said there has been an increase in alcohol sales in Orange 34 <br />County during this pandemic. He said the ABC has made a lot of efforts toward safety and 35 <br />cleaning of its stores, and the ABC Board approved a $2 raise for all employees, except the 36 <br />highest tier. 37 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said Durham Tech’s search for a new president is moving 38 <br />forward, and he will be following up with the BOCC on some of the qualities that it hopes to see 39 <br />in the new president for Durham Tech, which he will share with the search committee. 40 <br /> Chair Rich said there was a request to review the ¼ cents climate mitigation tax rubric, 41 <br />and she asked Commissioner Price, Commissioner Greene and Commissioner Marcoplos to do 42 <br />so by June 2nd. 43 <br /> Chair Rich said the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) minutes would be going out 44 <br />as soon as she reviews them. 45 <br /> Chair Rich said the EOC is starting to talk about recovery, re-entry, homelessness and 46 <br />food. 47 <br /> Chair Rich said she continues to talk with the Mayors and the School Board Chairs and 48 <br />they are collaborating with their partners. 49 <br /> 50 <br />4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations 51
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