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2 <br /> <br />Riley Ruske (sent in via email): 1 <br />The citizens of Orange County have been able to dispose of ‘construction and demolition’ 2 <br />materials at the various recycle sites for years. The only constraint is published on the signage 3 <br />at the sites allowing 4.5 cubic yards or 120 cubic feet per weekday or weekend. Suddenly we 4 <br />are being told that the limit has been reduced to 3 cubic feet—the equivalent of about 2 Walmart 5 <br />shopping bags!!! This will not even cover a minor yard clean-up of a tiny structure or other 6 <br />debris. We are told to go to the Eubanks road site where we will have to pay tipping fees of $22 7 <br />per pick-up or trailer or $5 per carload. This constitutes a 98% reduction in service to residents 8 <br />and a new tipping fee ‘tax’ on top of the already high $142 Solid Waste Programs Fee for each 9 <br />residence. Why has there not been public discussion of this change? Who authorized and 10 <br />approved of this increase in fees to the citizens of Orange County? Will the Solid Waste 11 <br />Programs Fee for residences be reduced to compensate for these new tipping fees? 12 <br /> 13 <br />This change is not only a costly inconvenience but creates a hazard as rural residents are 14 <br />forced to travel down the interstate with construction and demolition materials in trailers and 15 <br />pickup trucks. Of course, prudent persons properly secure their loads, but sadly, many do not 16 <br />as demonstrated by the trash along the rural roads. 17 <br /> 18 <br />Please rescind this policy and return to the previous policy, which was safer and less costly to 19 <br />citizens. 20 <br /> 21 <br />b. Matters on the Printed Agenda 22 <br />(These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda 23 <br />below.) 24 <br /> 25 <br />3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members 26 <br /> Commissioner Bedford said at 5:00 p.m. today she had a conference call with the 27 <br />Burlington Graham Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). She said there is a projected 28 <br />$300 million decrease in revenues from the North Carolina Department of Transportation 29 <br />(NCDOT) through June 30. She said this will lead to the postponement of projects. She said 30 <br />the SPOT 6 for that MPO was delayed until May 19th. 31 <br /> Commissioner Bedford thanked all of the essential workers and County staff that are 32 <br />keeping everyone safe. She also thanked the public for staying home. 33 <br /> Commissioner Greene echoed Commissioner Bedford’s comment. 34 <br /> Commissioner Greene said she attended the Partnership to End Homelessness 35 <br />(PTEH) virtual meeting. She said all service coordinators are working together, water stations 36 <br />are being maintained, and the InterFaith Council (IFC) kitchen and pantry have seen a 50% 37 <br />increase in usage, and is need of shelf ready foods. 38 <br /> Commissioner Greene said there is a $20,000 grant from Cardinal Innovations for 39 <br />those exiting prisons. 40 <br /> Commissioner Greene said Nate Broman-Fulks, Town of Chapel Hill Affordable 41 <br />Housing Manager, reported that the Town is getting a new $245,000 CDBG grant to be used for 42 <br />rental assistance, and other housing needs. She said the Town and the County are working 43 <br />closely on housing. 44 <br /> Commissioner Greene said Corey Root, PTEH Coordinator, reported there is a new 45 <br />emergency grant coming out in the amount of $5 billion nationwide. 46 <br /> Commissioner Greene said Emila Sutton, Housing Director, reported that the Housing 47 <br />Choice program will be able to help people with rent payments, due to lost income. 48 <br /> Commissioner McKee said a member of the public contacted him about the Solid 49 <br />Waste Convenience Center (SWCC). He said this resident was told that the SWCC would not 50