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6 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he reviewed the process the Board had done last spring. <br /> He said maybe one or both schools do not want to go forward with the proposed projects. He <br /> said if the project is not done, then the monies go back into the pot to be considered for new <br /> projects. He said the $150,000 was based on this solar array project. He said if the schools <br /> have other projects that they want to fund, these projects can be submitted and go through the <br /> same process. He suggested the $150,000 for CHCCS should be returned to the pot, and <br /> CHCCS invited to submit new projects. He said if OCS wants to additional weeks to decide, <br /> that is fine, and then can move ahead or not. He said there was one project that the Board did <br /> not fund (the small hydropower feasibility study), which can now be moved up on the list if the <br /> schools do not want the funding for solar arrays. He said, instead of starting all over from <br /> scratch, the Board should move ahead with the project it has. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he agreed with moving up the hydropower feasibility <br /> study. He said in his discussion with Will Atherton, OCS Chair, it was clear to him that OCS <br /> would take the two weeks to firmly decide whether or not to use the monies. <br /> Commissioner Price said when she mentioned COVID-19 she was just making a <br /> statement that other considerations should be taken into effect, not that monies should be <br /> shifted. She said this money was pledged to climate change mitigation, and it should be used <br /> as such. <br /> Commissioner Price said to Commissioner Marcoplos that OCS may well make a <br /> decision within two weeks, but it may not be in favor of solar arrays. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would be in favor of a RFP for school projects, and she <br /> would like to look at all the existing projects again. She said she did not mean to imply moving <br /> these funds away from climate change mitigation. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she agreed with Commissioner Dorosin. She asked if he <br /> intends for the BOCC to move ahead with the hydropower project, or give it back to the CFE. <br /> She said either way it makes sense to her. She said it is clear that CHCCS is not ready to <br /> accept the recommendation of the CFE for the solar arrays, and there should be a reopening of <br /> process for what money is left. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said it is her understanding that neither of the school boards had <br /> any proposals given to them, and CHCCS did not submit any projects, so she is not sure how <br /> this process worked. She said she liked the CFE matrix, and concurred approval of the <br /> hydropower project. She said the Board needs to do some more work on this process, since it <br /> is already April. She said she needs to know how this all works and it is not too late to start <br /> developing projects for next year. She said she agreed with Commissioner Marcoplos about <br /> giving OCS their two weeks, and also the same for CHCCS, for solar arrays project only. She <br /> said she would not substitute any new projects this round, but rather start over in the next <br /> budget year. <br /> Chair Rich agreed with offering to both school districts the two weeks to consider the <br /> solar array projects only. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is concerned that the Board may be off track, because it <br /> received an email from CHCCS that it no longer supports solar projects. <br /> Chair Rich said Patrick Abele, acting CHCCS Superintendent, said CHCCS has not <br /> declined, but in the original conversations had them not partaking at this point. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the Board received something specific <br /> Chair Rich said yes, today from Acting Superintendent Patrick Abele. <br /> Commissioner McKee read the bottom 1/3 of an email from Patrick Abele, CHCCS <br /> Acting Superintendent to Bonnie Hammersley this afternoon: <br /> "We are hearing that there is discussion in the public today that we have turned down the solar <br /> funds from the BOCC. To clarify, we have never turned down a solar project. We asked the <br /> last time this came up on the agenda that the BOCC allow the Board of Education an <br />