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5 <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the BOCC can send a letter asking the school boards to <br /> submit ideas. <br /> Chair Rich said if the Board chooses to vote that way, it would be fine. She said there <br /> were other projects that the CFE considered, which may move to the top of the list. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said due to the scheduling issue that has arisen due to health <br /> crisis, he proposed to allow a brief time to re-visit the solar arrays on the schools <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT: <br /> Bill Ward, CFE, joined the meeting via Zoom, and said it is a disappointment that the <br /> schools declined the funds to do the solar arrays. He said the CFE would welcome further <br /> interchange with the schools about how the schools may be able to mitigate climate change in <br /> other ways. He gave statistics on the carbon emissions in Orange County, and said the County <br /> needs to curtail emissions by three ways: decarbonization of electricity, improved efficiency, <br /> and beneficial electrification. He said this is true throughout the country, and there are many <br /> ideas that could be reviewed and replicated in the County. He said the CFE is open to all <br /> submissions, and would like to get the best bang for the buck. He said he hoped to have a <br /> forum where the CFE could have some give and take with the BOCC in order to understand in <br /> greater detail the CFE's thinking and prioritization process. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he was trying to figure out why this went off the rails, and <br /> it seems CHCCS wanted to decide on its own how to spend these funds. He said the OCS, and <br /> Sarah Pitts point person on this project, had been scheduled to meet with Orange County staff <br /> on this issue and OCS was open to the idea. He said the current health crisis has led to <br /> confusion. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos proposed allowing two weeks to answer any question that <br /> OCS may have about the solar arrays. He said the process has come this far, and it would be a <br /> waste to throw it away, as it is crucial to reduce the carbon footprint and greenhouse emissions. <br /> He said it is a unique opportunity. <br /> Commissioner Price talked to members on both school boards, and all agreed that solar <br /> arrays are good, but there were other issues that they were looking at for their buildings. She <br /> said both districts had not been brought up to speed on these projects, and the COVID-19 crisis <br /> has only caused greater interruption. She said there is no guarantee that the Board would vote <br /> in favor of the solar arrays, and she feels it is important to consider the best use of funds at this <br /> time and the greatest priorities. <br /> Chair Rich said this was voted in as a climate tax and needs to be used for climate <br /> mitigation. She said the Board must not go outside the parameters of the uses. <br /> John Roberts said it was a tax increase that was part of the Board's general taxing <br /> power, and this exact amount was directed to this climate purpose. He said a deviation from <br /> this purpose should not happen outside a vote of the full Board. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is going to speak to the question as to whether the Board <br /> can move the money. He said it is his understanding that only through County referendum can <br /> tax funds be dedicated for a specific use. He said this was not decided through a referendum, <br /> thus a BOCC vote is sufficient to change the use of this money. He said this board cannot bind <br /> future boards, and they are not legally bound to spend the money on climate change. <br /> John Roberts said the Board is not restricted with this tax more than any other tax <br /> revenue. He said it is called a climate tax, but it is no different than the standard taxation that <br /> exists. He said the only difference is that the BOCC pledged by a vote to spend the funds on <br /> environmental purposes, and a Board vote would be appropriate to change that pledge. He <br /> said this Board is not bound by the prior vote. <br /> Commissioner McKee said if the Board were to spend this money for weatherization, <br /> LED, etc. in schools that provided reductions in greenhouse emissions, the Board would still be <br /> spending money on those items it pledged to spend it on. <br />