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6 <br /> Commissioner McKee said if the Board considers this request by Carrboro, then the <br /> other two towns will do the same. He said this is becoming more complicated the longer the <br /> Board discussed it. He said he does not have a problem with lowering the maximum loan. <br /> Commissioner Greene said she can see both sides of this issue. She said if there is no- <br /> value criteria, then that cuts the argument that Carrboro is closest to the ground. She said the <br /> Board should not just give to Carrboro, because it asked for it, because then one takes away <br /> the flexibility of the committee. She said the question of double dipping also comes in. She <br /> said in the application process, the committee needs to ask the question to see if entities are <br /> double dipping. She said this is a County fund, and the Board need to find a way to distribute it <br /> fairly. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said if the Board divvies up the money now, it will create a <br /> precedent. He suggested moving ahead as presented, and to give the committee direction as <br /> mentioned. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he does not know if Carrboro has the same criteria as the <br /> County. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said the idea of setting a precedent should not be a concern, <br /> since this is an emergency situation. He said if the Board does not want to distribute the <br /> monies by percentages, then the Board does not have to do it again. <br /> Commissioner Bedford said the loans are not set at a certain amount, just a maximum <br /> amount. She agreed with Commissioner Greene that the committee could prorate the <br /> amounts. She said this is such a small amount of money that the Board should just move <br /> forward, and if this is not working then staff can bring back to the board for amending. <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said they could use the criteria of jobs saved and revenue <br /> saved. <br /> Commissioner Greene had recommended representatives from the towns to the <br /> committee. She asked how the Board felt about that suggestion: one economic development <br /> person from each town. <br /> The Board agreed by consensus. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded Commissioner Greene by for <br /> the Board to recognize that the Emergency Small Business Funding Program is necessary to <br /> preserve jobs and tax base during the coronavirus pandemic and is consistent with the State of <br /> Emergency declared by OC on March 13, 2020 and to approve the creation of the Emergency <br /> Small Business Funding Program and marketing of this program on the County's website, press <br /> release, and social media outlets to communicate available financial support to small <br /> businesses impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. <br /> And to approve an Emergency Small Business Funding Program Committee composed of two <br /> representatives each from the Small Business Grant Committee, the Agricultural Grant <br /> Committee, and the Small Business Loan (SBL) Board and to add one member from each of <br /> the towns to the committee to make final determinations between April through June for both <br /> grants and loans and that County staff provide status reports to the Board. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said he will vote against this item because the board should be <br /> giving the money to the Town of Carrboro. <br /> Commissioner Greene asked if there is any way in this motion to add double dipping to <br /> this motion. <br /> Chair Rich said to just let this play out in the committee. <br />