Orange County NC Website
Senate Bill 951- Second Edition Page 2 of'6 <br />4te FF d F 4te fft"ematiatt .....1:...attee to allow ti.,. sal i4 =fie <br />1 -r <br />(a If the area to be annexed described in a resolution of intent passed under <br />G.S. 160A -37(a) or G.S. 160A -49(a) or an act of the General Assembly, includes an area where <br />a firm on the ninetieth day preceding the date of adoption of the resolution of intent in <br />accordance with G.S. 160A -37(i) or i) or G.S. 160A -49(i) or -0), or the date of introduction in <br />the House of Representatives or the Senate of the bill which became the act making the <br />annexation, as applicable was providing solid waste collection services in the area to be <br />annexed on the date of adoption of the resolution of intent or the introduction of the bill making <br />the annexation and by reason of the annexation the firm's franchise with a county or <br />arrangements with third parties for solid waste collection will be terminated, a firm that meets <br />the requirements of subsection (al) of this section shall be entitled to choose one of the <br />following options: <br />(1) Contract with the city for a period of two years after the effective date of the <br />annexation ordinance to allow the firm to provide collection services to the city <br />in the area to be annexed for sums determined under subsection (d ) of this <br />section. <br />(2) Be paid by the city for the firm's economic loss with one -third of the <br />economic loss to be paid within 30 days of the termination and the balance <br />paid in five equal monthly installments during the next succeeding five <br />months. <br />Make other arrangements satisfactory to the firm. <br />(al) To qualify for the options set forth in subsection U of this section a firm must have <br />done one of the following: <br />Subsequent to receiving notice of the annexation in accordance with <br />subsection (b) of this section filed with the citv clerk at least 10 days prior to <br />the public hearing a written request to contract with the city, to provided solid <br />waste collection services containing a certification signed by an officer or <br />owner of the firm that the firm serves at least 50 customers within the county <br />at that time. <br />( Contacted the city clerk pursuant to public notice published by the city, <br />the city clerk a written request to contract with the city to provide solid waste <br />collection services The request must contain a certification signed by an <br />officer or owner of the firm that the firm serves at least 50 customers within <br />the county at that time. <br />Notices required under this subsection must be filed in accordance with subsection (a2) of <br />this section. <br />(a2) Notice of provision of'solid waste collection service shall be filed with the city clerk <br />of all cities located in the firm's collection area or within five miles thereof. <br />http: / / Sessions/ 2005Bills /Senate/HTML /S95lv2.html 6/23/2005 <br />